OW2 Doom just isn't fun

I miss uppercut, using his block is a huge part of his skillset but it’s boring.

Ohhhh. My bad. Didn’t realize this was the DF support group. You all keep patting one another on the back, I can see myself it - no worries.

Just hey, one day at a time. You’ll be okay.

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You’re talking about the hero like you have any idea on how to play him…
I have no patience for low ranked players with minimal playtime on the hero trying to talk about their balance.
You killed the hero in ow1.


It’s not a doom support group

You just made a hot take that no player who actually uses the character agrees with, which probably came from your limited time of playing him.

That’s all it is. If you had more time and understanding then your opinion might’ve held more weight, but we know if you had more time and understanding your opinion would change.


Yeh I just don’t have the patience for it anymore

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Oh, so we are talking condescendingly now eh?
Alright, let’s see. How’s a taste of your own medicine?

a) Rank
Silver. 95th percentile. After 620 hours, you just barely stay in the second-lowest rank in the game.
Let’s elaborate on what that means.

  • Don’t get to teach Diamond and Master players how to play any hero
  • Don’t get to speak in a condescending matter

b) Stats
I’ll stick to Doomfist only here.
Eliminations: 1st percentile. A.KA about as bad as it gets.
Damage: Once again, 1st percentile.
Objective kills: Same story.
Deaths: Dying as much as possible. 99th percentile
Finishing blow: 10th percentile.
Based off this, we can conclude that you neither punchbot, nor do rollouts.
If you were a punchbot and played the hero well, you’d have stats looking like Jason (a.k.a good stats. He’s not a punchbot, but just a good player).
If you played like me and hard fed in the backline with rollouts only, you’d have the same damage and elim stats you have now, except the aim and finishing blows would be much higher.
TLDR: Terrible at Doom.

c) Your actual argument

Completely terrible. “The Doomfist support group” that’s comprised of a Sombra one-trick and a Junk main :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
If you’re so out of things to say that you resort to strawman, please just keep your mouth shut.

Have a good day :slight_smile:


Looking at my old vids Old Doom can create just as much or more space for your team than current Doom

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Doom is literally the inconvenience character. He just goes in, slows the enemy team, and boops em a bit with rocket punch. But other than that, he can barely do anything for himself unless you hit your shotgun shots like picture perfect, which is near impossible because the spread has been garbage on that thing for years and it also does pea shooter dmg now. Every other tank just has better dmg… even monkey has an easier time killing than doomfist.

Also his block is a garbage ability that doesn’t even negate CC and slows what is meant to be a fast paced character down to a literal crawl. It just doesn’t flow at all and the character went from being super hard to master with a lot of techs. To barely any techs, easier to master, and given an ability that screws his entire fluidity.


When did either of us say he doesn’t.
I said he never dies and My friend said he’s better than OW1 Doom. We are both perfectly aware he is better and that he makes tons of space. Our point is that he’s just not fun to play :man_shrugging: At least to those who played for rollouts

I agree.

It was said that they had to change Doom ability to put him in line with tanks but in truth he could tank just as good with his old kit. Just lower damage and give him higher hp.

Or give him the Brig treatment and put power block in contrast with one of his other abilities separate cooldown (Shield Bash is on separate cooldown in conjunction with her shield)

Just have power block available to use while rocketpunch is available and give it a separate cooldown

Just gonna drop this here.

As someone who has 50 minutes on doom, even I hate ow2 doom. I tried him out a few times and it feels like I’m lunching with pillows, I do nothing


Ok and?
A large majority of the doom community much prefer ow1 doom to ow2 doom…
Quake and rxp have both expressed how they prefer ow1 doom and have recently called ow2 boring to play.
Myself, Levi and many other forum doom players have also stated that ow2 doom isn’t fun to play compared to ow1.
I bet Andrew gets sick of ow2 doom relatively soon just like quake did, just gotta wait for the “wow doomfist tank funny” aspect to fade.


Well even if that’s the case dunno how they would have dealt with DoomBall or DoomWinston comps on 5v5.

Is there anything more fun they can put into the current Doom?

But overall, I think what they didn’t want was the ambush instakill assassin playstyle.

This, I think power block is appalling for doomfist, doesn’t block cc, can be hacked out of it, Is worse than a barrier, charged up fist from power block is meh and it slows him down.
I wish they kept uppercut in and added power block as a 4th ability or never added it at all.
Now the hero is easier to play and master whilst not being fun.

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Easy, make him a tank again, keep uppercut slam rocket punch all the same. Add a passive where when doom does damage with abilities he gives his team shields (fits the brawl style and offers more team assistance than powerblock).
Reduce rocket punch and slam damage to 120 or 150 max charge into wall and make slam cap out at 80 damage. Increase health to 500 ish and decrease his primary fire damage to what it is in ow2 or slightly less then scale or balance accordingly from there.
No doom main wants his damage to be in the primary fire, we want fun slam uppercut rocket punch combos with damage.

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Yeh, but how much of that is “Doom flies in out of nowhere, CCs somebody while airborne, then disappears 2 sec later”.

Like, I really don’t see how you maintain that without maintaining the “Gank Assassin” playstyle.

“Doom flies out of nowhere cc’s someone whilst airborne and disappears” is literally doomfist in ow2 but he tickles you.
Winston does the same thing in ow2 but better…
Hog can grab you and turn your lights off instantly, sigma can rock combo you with new 100dmg easily, orisa can spear wall you and get a free kill whilst having range and a better defensive ability than doom…
You’re so afraid of doom having more damage it’s crazy.
I literally said change his damage numbers so he’s not oppressive but give us back the old doom style :man_facepalming:t3: Also the “jump in get a kill and get out” doesn’t even work in ow1 at higher ranks, you just die plain and simple unless it’s a coordinated dive…

Oh Jesus Christ you have 20 minutes on the hero bye :wave:t3:


I am given conniptions from the fact that they made Doom’s fully charge punch tickle a little bit and maybe toss or stun them, then just gave Orisa a ranged version of it that is better in almost every possible way.


Right but the difference is those heroes are a heck of a lot more predictable in their attack routes.

You’d basically need to get rid of Doom’s ability to roof camp.

Which would pretty much eliminate like 90% of his rollouts.