Ow2 dead within 1 week?

no its not fine.

i get headache playing more than 5 games. because of too many sounds; too many colors, screen shakes… weapons too loud and you cannot tell where you get damage from, they removed sounds like objective or teammates death?? at least you can turn on notification for teammates again but the killcam moves too fast… its just a big bad mess. and thats only for the sounds and visuals, UI.

gameplay is another story.

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their ow2 balance is the same as 2 regular ow patches, except it took them 4 years to do it.


We’ve known about Sojourn for multiple years now since Storm Rising archives was first introduced, and saw her in videos starting from the Blizzconline videos at beginning of 2021

I’m talking about absolutely new heroes that nobody has ever seen yet, and they suddenly drop them in our laps. That’s a very different type of hype

i think sojourn is all they have for now, after 4 years.

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bet the owl owners insisted on having a beta pushed out the door before the start of the new season

agree, im always so scared when i get into sojourn’s electric something or the screen shakes are so disturbing and disorienting omg

Remember how goats removed dps from the picture. Now its Tank and Dps running the show

And you’ll never play dps once while flex is selected XD

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Supports that used to only healbot are getting dunked on and give up too easy. Supports that used to play “DPS” support instead of healing are getting dunked on because their team doesn’t have two tanks to carry their weak play and give up. That leaves support players, who actually want to play an engaging support role (even if they are a little weak). That’s why queue times are so long for non-supports.

Yup. Since there’s only one tank now, supports need to start utilizing the offensive abilities of their kit more.

Why is it so hard to just accept you were wrong? People are only saying they were right, because the problems were invreibky obvious.

I like role q but not for 5v5.

They don’t, they could queue as other roles, or leave for other games. They are also other options.

We are already seeing signs on that with the first Beta.

Who the f like those posts?? It’s a beta stupid us people

You can click on the number and see which people liked the post.

Blizzard hasnt released anything good in years now. Most of their stuff lately has been absolute trash actually

Shadowlands anyone?

i would but i dont see the part of that statement thats wrong? thats literally what people are doing right now…

people are going in with all these preconceived notions of what OW2 is going to be like…seeing even the slightest hint that it might be the case…then jumping on social platforms to proclaim to the world that its all fubar…

and by IT i mean the first beta release (of who knows how many) that contains a tiny fraction of what will end up being just a PART of an overall product…because we should at least be honest about what we’re talking about

meanwhile you have PLENTY of people saying the exact polar opposite…so its silly to even try to declare some sort of verdict on the whole ordeal…

its STILL a game in development…theres very little about it atm thats set in stone (aside from like 5v5 and maybe which roles the heroes are going to be)

You are completely, delusionally ignoring all critisism by pretending its not “real”. Who are you to say?

i got plenty of criticisms myself…im just not kneejerking and making sweeping declarations about “OW2” 7 days into its initial beta (which is being generous cause plenty were doing it within the first few hours)

Queue times are a pretty solid metric though. Especially a week after all the new content has been exhausted.