OW2 Balance Team new Q&A

I don’t think Doomfist is really that bad and I’m a hard Zen one trick. Making him into a tank is the only way he can reasonably keep his CC, and if they keep him in DPS they’ll just make his kit more annoying in other ways (like making rocket punch deal more damage instead of knockback maybe not instagibbing you).

Think about how they changed shield bash since they took away the stun, now think about Doomfist’s entire kit relying on stuns and juggles. Imagine what they’d give him if they took away the CC. Make the apricot man a tank. Please god. :pray:

Closure would nicer…

my copy/paste skills that i have honed over many many years were tried and tested…but i persevered…

(Thank You)


Of course, then phrase the question as such.

“Is there any current plans to rework sym into a support?”


“How’s the Sym healer rework going, any updates? Why hasn’t it been addressed?”

One assumes they’re totally trying it.

Just hoping to hear more then the Doomfish stuff.

I am worried as it seems the Brig changes are intentional.

What does those changes do for Brig when Pro play testing has shown Brig being unable to bodyguard or prevent herself from being killed by Tracer

Anyone hit by shield bash can just escape by moving away or using their movement abilities. What is Brig’s purpose in OW2?

And no one asked what were their plans for Mercy, great.

Bastion buffs, I like the sound of that


Oooooo…good idea. :+1:

I can’t say I trust their test team to balance this game after they nerfed symm’s teleport into it’s infinite version by telling us and I quote “it felt like there was two teleporters up at the same time”. Because they were incapable of shooting the teleport in it’s old cooldown form.

Nor do I trust their test team to balance the game now if they feel like mercy and her ress is a strong move, rather than the pros saying she’s useless. In high ranked games, ressing is far far harder than in low rated games because people just don’t pay attention and don’t push for their advantages. You cannot operate mercy solely as a damageboost bot either because her healing has been watered down to nothing. It’s going to be infinitely harder to actually use resurrection in 5vs5, even harder than 4vs4 team dm despite the 3 second window.

I also don’t see how it would be possible for supports to be supposedly safer with less peels, less stuns and less healing, when they’ve already pointed out before flankers are going to be stronger… tanks aren’t the most frequent support killers.

The moment I saw the numbers for sombra’s rework, I immediately thought how OP it was going to be and the pros thought the same. That their test team does not, speaks for itself.

Balance has always been a huge issue with this game. I don’t see it changing anytime soon. All I can hope for is the best and that we can actually test the beta and give feedback, No doubt we’re going to need to give a lot of feedback about tuning.

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I kinda wanna ask about what determines dev interaction with threads. There was this HUGE thread that never got a response:

With that level of community discussion I’m surprised it has gone unacknowledged. 2K likes as well (on the forums of all places)

Hopefully Doom as tanks works out.

They said Mercy was “Strong” on 5v5.

And they thought Sombra wasn’t…

So take that as you will.


You know that if Doomfist does become a tank that he would likely be the only character in the enemy team that has CC right? It’s not like you’ll get stunned from all 6 people.

And besides, they said Doomfist would have less damage anyway so it’s unlikely he’ll one shot you even if you do get punched into a wall

I don’t think the forums has the foundations to do that well without some restrictions. If we do it ‘free swim’ reddit style, then the Devs would be responding to let’s say posts #4 and #5 500 posts later as the thread moves extremely quickly. Then they would have to scroll all the way back down and then the process repeats. It would be very messy.

A good idea for doing a Q&A on the forums, would be to announce a 1 hour time slot on a specified time. Where a CM/Mod will make a thread for the community to ask questions, and 1 post per person to avoid clutter. After 1 hour, the mod locks the thread, and then the development team can take their time answering questions without rushing.


or there’s simply better overall feedback elsewhere

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Would it be possible to hold future AMAs / Q & As at a slightly different time? Like the AMA in May.
When the AMA started, almost all of Europe was already in bed. in England it was 11 p.m., in Germany and France it was even midnight.
Last time you did it at “1:30 am - 3:30 pm PDT | 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm EDT | 20:30 - 22:30 UTC”, which was much better for us European. On a Friday it wouldn’t be a problem, as you don’t have to go to the lecture hall or work the next day, but on Wednesday (here already Thursday) at night is a bit inconvenient.

Oh Gott, That could take a while when I look at the posts/topics sometimes. I hope this won’t be a Sisyphus task for you. A Q&A on the official forum would be great, I’m looking forward to it. :heart_eyes: I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you can do it. :smiley:

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May as well just delete the forums then if everything is going into deaf ears.

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I don’t disagree. Riot did it to their LoL forum I believe. If the culture that exists in a forum isn’t good there’s not reason to keep it.

More like someone is not capable of taking criticism.

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