OW1's Final Day

What time is finished? How many hours left?

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8:00AM, Pacific Time tomorrow.

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It actually doesn’t shut down until 01:30 Pacific October 3rd. We have all day and most of the night.

Seems we have conflicting info. Regardless of who is correct, we have all day at least.


I remember a few articles mentioning 8AM PST, and others mentioning 12PM EST (the same as 8 Eastern Time), although I’m open to my info being wrong. I’m sure some people would enjoy the few extra hours left, at least.

It sounds like this is a glitch that might be resolved some time soon. I don’t remember Cricket differing from other MVNOs – cellular service resellers – in any significant way, and the vast majority of them seem to be working fine, if :robot::man_mage:t2:’s wiki thread is accurate.

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We can only hope, but I doubt it.

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