OW1's Final Day

How are you feeling? Personally my mood has sunk a little going through memory lane. The nostalgia really kicked in. As much as I am excited to move forward (despite certain displeasures regarding $$$), it’s sad to see the game I’ve grown up with leave. But… rather than see it as death, I see going into OW2 as a new chapter. Excited to see you on October 4th.



Looking forward to OW2, I remembered some of the good and bad from OW over the past 6 years. Most of the good was from the early days which OW2 reminds me of. Saw some good art as well

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I’m sad and angry. Overwatch dies today and I can’t do anything about it. Games shutting down are inevitable, but I never really expected Overwatch to just… Stop existing so suddenly.

But that’s just how it is, I’m glad for the memories and that I’ll have more time to play other games with friends.


Pretty sad. I remember that it was summer 2016 and I was 15 years old when I saw Tracer for the 1st time, and then I was hooked I got the the game on Christmas 2016


Oh the memories.

“Mercy you suck.”
“DPS diff.”
“What is the payload and why should I move it.”
“Support throwing, they shot once at the enemy.”
“lol they ran three tanks and we’re all snipers, let’s not switch.”
“They have a Bastion, it’s over.”
“Why should I go on point it’s obviously l… oh we won. Well I guess we all learned something today. I’ll still throw if I encounter the same situation, that’s the lesson.”
“I got killed by Brigitte as a sniper. Nerf Brigitte.”
“McCree is underpowered, let’s buff him.”
“I might miss all my shots, have negative damage, my positioning is horrible and I have no game-sense, but I play Widowmaker. Therefore you are all unskilled compared to me.”

I’ll miss it.


I remember Winter Wonderland being my first seasonal event. Gosh I miss those times.


Gundham Evolution :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Bittersweet is the only thing I can describe.

I remember being at Blizzcon in 2014, watching the announcement in person, the endless cheering and screams across the entire convention as OW got revealed. Blizzards absolute best kept secret and most hidden gem. Following every announcement from 2014 through 2015, watching all the new heroes get revealed up until that following Blizzcon. Playing the game on launch day in 2016 and following it ever since. Buying countless physical merchandise, from high-quality statues to tshirts and more.

When I say I absolutely loved OW it is just an actual understatement. For all my doom and gloom regarding money in OW2, I will choose to see OW for what it could be. I will never forget all the friends I made along the way, I will never forget how OW taught me how to hope for a brighter future.

Thank you Overwatch, you were an honest blessing in one of the darkest periods in my life. I will never ever forget what you were.


I’m actually very excited, but probably like many others the nostalgia trip is really kicking in.


Bro your post always makes me laugh :laughing:

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Im quoting this particular lyric from the song called “The end of the world” which perfectly describes how i feel about OW1 last day:

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world?
It ended when you said, “Good-bye”



I though it ends tomorrow at 4pm UTC. Well I guess it will be the morning for some of you.

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I can’t wait for Tuesday because the amount of fake news is going through the top.

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thats how i feel

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No matter.
Please, let us continue.
We don’t need to keep score.
I sense the end approaching.
Please… A few more rounds.

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Fake news? Have I missed something?

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Remember OG Torb overload where you’d essentially build a molten rapid fire machine gun howitzer while enraged to the point where molten iron fires like a blastoise cannon out his backside.


I just want to play Tanks but it seems like my second is below bronze.

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Man I miss Level 3 Turret, I wish they’d bring it back in some form. Like maybe the Turret could absorb Torb’s lava for a powerup or something.

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