OW1 Skins missing?

I noticed in particular that event skins weren’t merged.
E: In general a few skins got merged and otheres weren’t. Strange.


Grrrrrrrrrr. I am unhappy. I have nothing I owned previously.:face_with_head_bandage::lying_face::lying_face::expressionless::expressionless::no_mouth::relaxed::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::hugs::hugs::cowboy_hat_face::anguished::rage::rage::angry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::angry::rage::rage::angry::pleading_face::scream::triumph::yawning_face::flushed::pleading_face:


Also here just to create some traffic. I have got nothing lol. Never once logged in on PC and played for years on console. While it’s not the only game I ever played I always played overwatch religiously. I really hope I can get the hundreds of hours of content back from my xbox account. Really odd because my xbox account has always been linked with my blizzard account. Sure hope it hasn’t been sent into the void.


Same as everyone here i guess. I played on PS4 (stopped playing for about 2 years) and i just downloaded O2, murged my PSN account in my Battlenet PC account… and i have nothing. Not a single item left. Anyone got news on that ??


Everyone is having the same issue, my group og 5 friends that have only ever played xbox and have always had accounts linked has had the exact same thing happen. Really not good enough by blizzard, it was an issue in the beta and they promised it wouldn’t be a problem for the full release


Same situation here. It just gave me a successful merge message so I am restarting my game, we’ll see what happens


Same here, when I had updated my Overwatch to Overwatch 2 I did not have my cosmetics or golden guns, all I had was my origin skins and certain heroes were locked. I hope Blizzard fixes this quickly.


Same bro hopefully they find a way to fix it


I never played OW on PC, I booted up OW2 to try the process of merging it to the account only used for MW2019, and when i finally got through the queue to try and get in, the game is treating my day one account with over 300 levels and thousands of items all gone. Please help or i quit.


My day 1 account that i put money into gone. All my event skins i grinded for gone. It really makes me just hate the game. Until its fixed just gonna play gundam evolution. At least there I actually am new


i had all my stuff on beta but i dont have them on full game


i played ever since release and never gotten my origin skins (i have the disc of origins) leg skins, leg emotes and all that


Same here on ps4/5… I’ve been playing for years in the original, everything is gone.
I most definitely don’t want to do tutorials for a game I’ve been playing for years. Nor will I invest in a game they basically nuked my account for.


Same just happened to me, I tried everything, checking that the linked account was correct, re-installing the game and still not having any of my cosmetics. All the time and money I spent!!!
This is ridiculous!!!


i submited a ticket and the basically said they dont have a fix for it yet so yea


Same, man, I’m so sad now

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same just posting in case someone finds a fix

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I can’t see myself playing the game until I get all my stuff back lol


I gained most of my cosmetics but am still missing a few somehow as well


I followed the “Overwatch 2 Pre-Launch Checklist” email sent on the 28th Sept. which stated:

" Finally, be sure to merge your Overwatch accounts so that you can carry progression and in-game cosmetics into Overwatch 2 on a single Battle.net profile. If you’ve only made progress in Overwatch on a single device, no action is needed from you."

i have only ever played on the Xbox and have always had my account linked to Battle.net so felt no need to merge. Yet, when I log into OW2 (when I can get past the errors) I am greeted with no cosmetic items at all, no stats, no currencies etc but I do have my founders items and contenders skins with all heroes unlocked.
I have tried reloading OW2 countless times to see if they finally appear but I have nothing. I have no game modes as it see’s me as a new player making me do the tutorial which I do not want to do in the fear of recording any stats which may effect things and make it worse.
All in all, I just want my content and to be able to play the game.