OW vs OW Leagye

No more OWL please. Blizzard, please. You have an amazing game here that is clearly thriving amidst the gaming world and you neglect it’s state of FUN for OWL. Personally I’m not a fan of the OWL at all. I watch some of your players stream just because they have personality. Your castor’s…ugh. Half the characters in your game are close to useless and the continuous bugging out of games is cheese. Owl is actually the worst part about overwatch and a huge part of my friends are super tired of the game and dont come back because you destroyed Hanzo, sombra, dva, roadhog, zen, etc the the heronun balancing was terrible


How do you propose they pay for all the free updates you get?


You’re free to dislike the league as much as you want, and I know a lot of people on the forums agree with that sentiment, but it’s not going anywhere.

Millions have already been invested, and six edit: eight new teams were already announced for the second season.

Personally, I see OWL as a boon. More attention and revenue means more development, and the fact that Blizzard invested so heavily in the league means they’re looking at Overwatch as something that will be around for a long time.

Not really on topic, but:

Arguments can be made that Sombra and Roadhog aren’t in the best spots right now (despite the fact that the pros have been using a lot of Sombra lately), but the other three are some of the strongest heroes in the game and are far from “destroyed”.


idk, probably sales and their casino


The game has made them several billion dollars, and the first billion was made before the first 12 months of launch were even over.

They have made a hell of a lot of money on the game, and continue to do so.

Considering they stated in a summer interview that the OWL was profitable, and they are looking at expanding the League concept to other games, exactly where do you think the eSports revenue is going? Into their eSports expansion.


I really hope you are trolling.

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i enjoy the overwatch league but just stop focusing on that and neglecting the game, the OWL can exist without the game being neglected

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You do know that OWL have different teams than the OW development team? The devs just take suggestions and feedback from the league and implement and change the game with their ideas in mind. They aren’t neglecting anything.


Lootboxes, merchandise, consistant advertising, purchasable skins, etc etc.

Hell, they could have brought in League players to test out when new heroes, rework, changes, whatnot and stream it instead of spend tones of money for a stadium and an old version of their own game.


Maybe, maybe not. Considering they never admitted to what was finally admitted in that video in the first place back then, we have absolutely no information or clue as to if they are truly separate teams now, or not. What do know now is that OWL did, indeed, pull dev resources from the actual game.


The teams are separate in terms of OWL team having their own League Commissioner (something that doesn’t exist in the OW dev team), their own casters, observers, hosts, broadcasting staff, etc.

Other than that, the OWL team does share artists with the OW dev team. UI designers, skin/model artists, etc. All those Team skins, the All Stars legendary skins for Tracer/Genji, the Twitch All Access Pass Lucio legendary emotes. All those were made by OW devs. OWL does not have their own artists.

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… With the several Billion dollars this game has already raked in?


At this point i dont care about regionally restricted and paywalled cosmetics since for an entire year we watched all the matches at midnight in central Europe and got nothing. I dont care about this reality show called OWL neither. But there is one thing what is far beyond ridicolous:

Why on Earth an actual E-sport doesnt have his own separate client with its own balances, HUD’s, etc? Coaches can directly talk with the devs to discuss about future balance changes. Devs watching OWL player streamers who discuss about balance suggestions. Its unhealthy to the game. Its that hard to make a separate E-Sports server/client from the game?

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Hmm, its not like they have a lootbox system or anything that makes them a lot of money…

Oh, thats not even including merchandise with NERF, Lego, the guys who do Nendroids…

Nope. Darn.


I think they’re just lazy or not motivated to tweak heroes at a moderate pace. I don’t know their staff potential, but even a small indie crew can tweak their game faster than them. The game WoW as we speak already doing tweaks within less than a month and can do more within a month or after a month. What’s Overwatch problem on keeping the game interesting?


Where are you getting the ‘several billion’ part? The game has made upwards of $1B. $1.25-$1.50B is vastly different from ‘several billion’.

Just because they made a lot of money from the sale of the game, does not mean they have that much money. This is a business, after all. You are completely omitting salaries/benefits for the people who work on the game, as well as any freelancers. Rent and utilities for any facilities. Server upkeep. Licensing fees. 100% free and new content, Money that has to go to Activision. All costs that OWL has taken up like building an entire stadium, and upkeep on said stadium.

There is a lot of overhead in video game development and decent sum of the revenue made from game sales must go to elsewhere and does not get pumped back into the game. Unless you actually like season passes.

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People still scapegoating OWL? :joy:

Cuz the game was totally balanced and had plenty of patching and attention paid to it before OWL came about!

Someone with a brain.


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OWL came into my house and broke my legs.

It’s true, muma was there and he couldn’t strop screaming in a very gay fashion “Rolled and smoked my doggie!!”