Ow : origins skins missing!

I’m also missing my Origins Edition skins on PC after merging from Xbox One. Still there on the Xbox, though.


Same happens to me, Ihave origins edition skins and Noire in my PS4 and now if I want to play on my PC, I have all the skins of OW1 but not the exclusive skins.

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Same here, my Slipstream Tracer is missing. Fix the game and do your job. Thanks.


A mi tambien me falta las skins de overwatch legendary edition, en la fusion de cuenta.

I’m missing my skins from the Legendary edition too.

I believe I have all my skins but I know for a fact I’m missing Noire Widowmaker like just not in the list full stop

A similar case for me as well I don’t have the origins skins unlocked in OW2 and a lot of other skins, coins, comp points and more but some of the stuff are unlocked so I guess we need to wait and see

me too the same problem

I also seem to be missing Origin skins and credits!

I have the same issue, I have OW1 origins edition on ps4 since may/2016 (my trophies attest that) and everything was merged, except those bonus skins. Is Blizzard going to fix it?

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Same issue, but I honestly believe Blizzard is being money hungry and expects us to buy the 40 dollar pack to get it back

Also have this issue! I had my origin copy on the ps4, and now it’s all locked :’(

Same here guys, I’m unable to access the skins on PC while I own them and can use the, on my xbox. Weird how they still show up with he ability to purchase them on pc with coins but it doesn’t let you since the unlock button is blocked.

I have the same problem, the origin skins are on my Xbox but not my pc even though I merged the accounts.All of my other cosmetics are on both accounts tho.

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Yeah I have the same problem here.

I have the same issue. I cant seem to find it, but I remember seeing somewhere that those skins wouldn’t be available till the watchpoint offer ends. IDK if that is the case here or if it really is a bug. Also, my Noire widow is missing as well.

Yea I waited some days but still my skins are nowhere to be found!

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same. my origins skins as well as some other ones are missing.

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Mine are missing as well

this happens to me aswell, the skins show up in my ps4 but when i switch to pc they dissapear