OW is inclusive, It's good bigots are upset about it

It’s a strategy. Who better to weaponize for their culture war than frustrated gamers? The majority of us here are working class citizens, trying to navigate an exploitative system while being paid next to free so we turn to media to blow off some steam, but even that’s been infested by greedy practices. We’re all angry about that, well the sane people are anyways.

But these goose steppers aren’t going to say that, it’s more viable to weaponize them against minorities instead of the people that exploit all of us while taking as many spaces from us to breathe as humanly possible. We’re just a pretty convenient scapegoat. Notice they go on these rants about valid issues on the game then for whatever reason throw in representation as a woe. The agenda is to segregate the community as much as possible. If you lack critical thinking skills, it’s easy to be strung along by your own prejudices as you have a person to blame


lol was it? poor mario

The one mod we have trying to play whack-a-mole with all the gender threads this last month

Hi mod. I’m behaving as usual!


The alphabet fight for inclusion. They wont stop until we have all 26 in the word.

And then they will fight for the other 200-400.


won’t be long till numbers start getting added and then infinity will be gained


It’s refreshing to see a Venture post that’s actually in favor of their identity, rather than another “are we gonna get banned over people’s FeElInGs??? but muh opinions!” thread.

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They have already, there is a 2 now.

I won’t rest until we bring back the ash (æ)

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Funny the right calls the left snowflakes and they are straight in to report the OP - what a bunch of SNOWFLAKES you are for real. Deflecting as ever.


Although seeing the replies devolve into a cess pool of barely room temperature IQ people arguing about queer folk is quite depressing

funny how the exact SAME thing happens with (insert side) its really funny

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That’s just standard for the forums at this point.

I just feel like at some point, a word or all-inclusive acronym would be appropriate. I thought that’s what the + was supposed to address, but they keep arbitrarily adding groups. When are people considered relevant under that umbrella and when are they just a +?


That’s ultimately what it is: thin-skinned, snowflake, “I am uncomfortable when we are not about me?” garbage lol.

I suppose putting together a group of people who can barely formulate a proper sentence let alone form a coherent thought would end with said people complaining about everything they cant understand about the world and how its changed since they were little back in the 90s

“I don’t care about it”.

Proceeds to get angry and make messages and threads about it and how the New World Order is real.


Look mang im just playin both sides so that I always come out on top

Very well could be if China/Russia’s lapdog gets a win.

Personally, I never liked the “Its good a certain kind of people dislike something” argument. I feel like we should never do something with the goal of upsetting our enemies, and instead we should do something that improves the game and let the chips fall where they may.

The project I’m working on independently is pretty diverse, but it doesn’t matter if people think I’m “woke” because I don’t care. At the end of the day, I’m an artist creating art, so saying “you can’t write this” goes against my morals; I won’t entertain it.

Just out of curiosity, what letter of the inclusive alphabet is Venture?