OW has become very privacy intrusive

See, this is exactly why people got annoyed. Maybe my memory is wrong, but all the posts/comments with your name that i saw, it had always been something along the line “i m high rank, i know what i m talking about”.

There s thousands of bronze takes in the forum, but yours stick out the most to me because of the contradictions. And still you dont want to admit the wrongs after being exposed.

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I mean it is. The average overwatch player is in gold. This gets confirmed time and time again.

It gives me plenty of credibility, I can get out of gold and plat half trolling and barely paying attention. Most of my games I play in those ranks don’t last more than 10 minutes. It’s laughable. I actually posted a thread with vods, so if you wanna see a masters player climbing in plat, check it out. it has nothing to do with my mechanics. Gold and plat players just don’t understand the game all that well.

It’s almost like they have friends. Because they’re people. And people end up in different ranks. There is no way you’re that obtuse.

Is quickplay and arcade disabled for gm players? :thinking:

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No, but the gamemodes are flat out boring. People like comp, and high rank players can just sit back and relax and still win comp games with their lower rank buddies. If you disagree with it, that’s fine but it’s not the point. The point was most higher elo players have smurf accounts. I don’t care to discuss if you think it’s ethical or not.

Dude Gold is not average - right there it tells me you don’t really know what you are talking about… friends don’t mean a thing quite honestly in this case.

Gold is average though

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It has literally been shown and proven so many times gold is the dead average of the playerbase. If you’re below average there’s nothing wrong with that… and average doesn’t mean it’s what new players will rank when they first pick up overwatch (I started in silver). Just what most people end up at.


LOL this shows how out of touch you are. Median and Average is now right into Plat, about 2600 last report. Again with the wrong information. Did you like go away for a few years or something, I feel like I am having a conversation with someone from like 2018… At best to claim “Gold” the “average” SR range is about 2400-2700, but the actual “average” is about 2600 (on PC). It’s in Plat.

Source: https://www.esportstales.com/overwatch/competitive-rank-distribution-pc-and-console

Please give me that last report then.

Do you know how a distribution curve works at all or no?


Two classes in college statistics and Calculus I have an idea or two.

Check the PC graph - 2600. And that is 2019… it’s only gone up (not down) from there…

Blizz IIRC has also repeated 2600 as the current mid-point, give or take a few points.

Source of the data: “Just trust me bro”

For someone who has allegedly taken a statistics class you should immediately know better when dealing with incomplete and unofficial information. I’m assuming you failed those classes or just passed by?

I do; that’s why I don’t quote it. The data is open to the public, I am sorry you weren’t aware. 2600. Go ask on the Comp forums, they will confirm it.

It’s publicly available and wildly incomplete. Barely scratching the surface of the data there is. Especially since the average player, doesn’t open their profile or even know that option exists on some occasions.

Whatever mate. You can dispute it all you like it’s been spoken of from different sources the median is 2600. Sorry you were unaware, welcome to late 2022.

Cry now.

All incomplete sources*

If this was a statistics class you’d have failed because you present these statistics as a definite conclusion that average is 2600. Truth is these sources don’t know, neither do you. You can say data suggests the curve is shifting, but have you also considered this only accounts for seasonal statistics and not the player base as a whole including previous season placements? important piece you forgot about there…

Eh, not an official source so it’s not 100% true, the guy even said;

We don’t know if they represent the current ranks or the season highs, and if players on all platforms or only on PC.


2300 is still the latest official average


Since there s not a whole lot of different in skills between 2300 and 2600 and player’s SR can swing a few hundreds.

Let all agree both are correct :sweat_smile:

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I think people have called them out on the rank thing PLENTY by now, though. At this point, it just comes off as relentless and excessive. They could be “still defending” because they’re just feeling so ganged up on without any sign of it stopping


You are right, it s getting excessive. I myself will stop poking at it.

As for the others, there s always a simple solution to stop the attacks. It s up to OP to do it or keep going at it.

That’s not the only source though, even the CC streamers reference the 2600… it’s acknowledged even by Blizzard in some cases. Also, 2300 is the average because its a forced curve, but the median the point where 50% of the players are above and below is 2600 for PC which I directly stated. Please be sure to actually read the entire discussion for what was said next time.

How is this funny, have you had as much statistics and math? The point was with two degrees I damn sure know what a distribution curve looks like. I also know the difference between and average and a median which is basic, but what folks here often refer to as “the average” is actually the median. It’s now 2600 or thereabouts, it might have shifted up, the trend has been upwards ever since the game started, best case it stopped at 2600.

I mean be my guest, quote the number to the CC’s who also reference it. They will back me up on it because it’s the accepted figure. The median being 2300 is very, very old figure like maybe 2017.