OW community in a nutshell

I disagree. It’s why this game is fun for me. Nobody should be able to consistently win matches by themselves. You should have to rely on teamwork no matter how good you are. Part of being good at this game is being good at communicating and working with a team. There are countless other FPS games where teams aren’t necessary and you can win by yourself. That’s why this game is unique.

So you think an OWL level player shouldn’t be able to win consistently in bronze without relying on their team?

For a game THIS diverse, our forum people have to be on something that makes them this annoying. I love this game and even during all of the metas, I was fine with it.

Oh but that’s the fun of only running metas.

Everyone plays the 6-9 heroes viable. Heroes get nerfed. Others receive crazy buffs or changes. New hero comes out. New meta happens. Players complain. Meta is dead, but a new one rises. Rinse and repeat. All while players who want to play heroes they like aren’t having fun, because other players want meta and only meta to reach high SR.

Welcome to comp mode and how high ladder works

I meant nobody should be able to consistently win games at their own level. An NFL player could win a football game by themselves against 5-year-olds but that doesn’t make football any less of a team game. You need everyone to win, which is how it should be.

NFL is also played in teams that practice together all the time. Not random people with debatably similar skill rankings over the internet. If you play a pickup game of a sport with random people, it usually does come down to whichever team has the most singularly competent person on it.

yeah we wanted another shield tank besiders rein, Orisa came, wasnt meta once outside of bunker. Now we got another shield tank that actually is DVA with DM, moveable shield that he can position everywhere, big rock that he can throw over the whole map to CC and having an aoe ult that forces c9 and does insane dmg. Lmao. IM skipping this season after i did my placements on the accounts. its so boring i cant even stand that after 8~ games

What does and does not work are also subjective to the person. Neither are definitive in terms.

You can certainly express what you BELIEVE is the right way to design a game. However, what you believe does not innately become standard.
To think otherwise is to invite arrogance and close mindedness.

I mean, they are the devs; when people give them suggestions they can try them and see if they work or not.

I think some of the best received answers are when the devs tell the community what they tried and if it worked or not. Not just doing stuff and sending the internal playtesters home early.

Overwatch needs 60 heroes before it can be taken seriously. Ooorr, it could go back to No Limits :slight_smile: How to Perfectly Balance the Game

I like that term, shootybois.

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What people meant were more options for main tanks. Not a main tank which is best run with another main tank to stack barriers together.

because it gets “worse and worse” people fell in love with the original hero cast not all these new garbage control/deny/never let anything die heroes

I don’t really think the 2 shield meta came from a new shield tank really. I think its necessary because of the power creep and amount of spam

Just play dive 4head.

Sigma is fish food against any kind of coordinated aggresion onto him, and there are plenty of comps and ways to play the game that maneuver around barriers. Win conditions aren’t always the same. If you play in one of these styles you’ll either win for free or force the enemy to change comps, given they’re also well coordinated and smart about what they’re doing.

If there was no role queue it would be GOATS with Sigma instead of Dva.

Imagine Rein, Sigma, Orisa, Sym, Brigitte, then hiding in all that is Baptiste.

It’s their own fault for allowing themselves to be bamboozled then. What? Have they never made an online competitive game before? They should know by now to take what players say with a grain of salt. They’ve been around for quite some time now. Players aren’t always wrong, they’re just telling you what they’re experiencing, but to take that at face value is just stupid.

Orsia/Sig Double barrier is just a faster version of the previous orisa hog combo. Which if I remind you had teams literally sitting behind a corner hoping their widowmaker got a kill and than hoping that storm arrow was off cooldown so orisa barrier wasn’t instantly deleted. 222 means standardization. Standards comps are standard because people prioritize not losing. Once you restricted players options than the most standard, i.e more defensive, way to play the game takes over.

I’d have to put it another way.

The Overwatch community in a nutshell:

20%: we need more representatives of (insert group here.)
20% This game stinks because of (insert reason here) and it’s dying/going to die.
20%: we need to nerf (insert name here)
20%: we need to buff (insert name here)
10%: I am quitting Overwatch because of (insert reason here)
10%: I love Overwatch, let’s chat about how (insert reason/person here) is awesome and I want to meet new people and have fun in the game with them.