OW community in a nutshell

Players: We need a shield tank other than Rein and Orisa.
Devs: ok. Let’s introduce one.
Players: I hate this. Too many shields.

I can imagine devs being bamboozled regarding what people want.

If there was no role que:
Rein Sigma Orisa Sym. Shields everywhere.


Every single time we end up with a new meta everyone complains about it, it happened with dive and then we got Brig.
It happened with the moth meta and now Mercy is where she is, and then it finally happened with GOATS.

And then we got 2-2-2 because they couldn’t balance it out.
They’ll find a way to nerf double shield and then we’ll have another meta where everyone is going to complain about it and it’ll just keep on cycling like that.


Most people just wanted more tanks and supports, since there are barely any.

They asked for a shield tank so they’d have more choices.

The people did not ask for a super OP Sigma that gets chosen all the damn time.


Game has a diverse cast, meta shifts. Those that benefit don’t say a peep, those that do not benefit come to the forums.

The game has a lot of shootyboi’s in it that don’t like having to deal with barriers. Sigma’s barrier especially enrages the shootyboi that used to enjoy being able to taking off angles and now just gets a shield shoved in their face.

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he ain’t OP, bud.

To OP; there is always going to be people complaining. Whether the mass majority wants something; there will be a minority hating on the idea/change or any kind of addition.


There was a need of more barrier hard counters even before sigma was released. That doesn’t mean we don’t need more main tanks. Rein and Orisa were pretty much the only ones.

People asked for a barrier tank, not a barrier cc op tank :roll_eyes:

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Because he got a stone on 10 secs cooldown, he has to aim with?


Different people, different opinions. You’re generalizing.

The people who could hate the meta could have never wanted another barrier, and the people who like the meta could have wanted a barrier, and basically anything in between.

Posts like this are literally pointless and prove nothing.


You forgot his ult fam, its one of the best cc abilites in the game, only zarya can compare to it.

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I never asked for more barrier or main tanks, i wanted more flexable off-tanks that arn’t just fat dps.
The only one we’ve ever had is D.Va.

OW Community in another nutshell:

Got outplayed… so, um, nerf them, buff me. Derp.


Now we’ve Dva who just feeds and feeds. It’s like if you play Dva, you’re automatically throwing.

Sigma isn’t particularly OP by himself. But it’s other cc from teammates which make him significantly worst to play into. I’m playing Zarya mostly because who wants to get halted and then stunned?

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You’ll get there bud. It will just take you a few more weeks to months to recognize it.


We’ll see if it happens. :slight_smile:

you have no idea what you’re talking about, bud.

I sure as hell do.

He’s not OP but he does need some tweaks; doesn’t make him OP though, bud. :slight_smile:

Eh I think it’s fair to say he’s op. I’ve never seen a tank in any state solo team wipe teams as often as I see sigmas do it. He has an answer for every situation (much like widow, genji, hanzo,tracer doom) so can take care of himself. The number one offender is his ult. I’d like to see it changed. It’s virtually grav and hammer down in one ult and it does big damage.

Shield tanks have traditionally not been played together, so asking for another barrier tank was asking for another main tank alternative to Rein/Orisa/Winston.

People complain about things when they start to become repetitive, Overwatch and its community is no exception. It doesn’t matter what the topic is. Double shield, orisa/hog, widowmaker, doomfist, tracer, mercy… it’ll get complained about more the longer it’s perceived as being in like every game. That’s usually how metas work.

Obviously that doesn’t apply to everyone. Some people like repetition.

Had they released Sigma in a way that kept double barrier as more of a situational pick it wouldn’t be complained about nearly as much. I mean, you already have the choice of playing double barrier with rein orisa - having a third option of sigma is only being complained about because that third option gave it a ton of playtime.