Overwatch was never meant to be balanced

Notice how wild modes like mirrorwatch and the yearly april fools patches with completely unbalanced heroes are some of the fan favorite updates? Notice how people completely stopped caring about PvE the second the skill trees were cancelled. People get into overwatch because they want fun abilities, not because they want a competitive experience where every unique hero gets a rework to homogenize them. The only reason the current playerbase is geared towards comp (and even then it’s less than half) is because you spent every day since the launch of the OWL actively doing everything in your power to drive the casual majority of the playerbase away


You wrong OW has always been promoted as a competitive game. Id go as far as to say any PVP game is competitive by default.

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It didn’t even have competitive mode in it when it came out


Those mario kart tournaments are gonna be lit


Is it PVP? Then it’s competitive. You want casual games try single player, PVE games. Thats just reality.

Do you not compete with your friends in Mario cart?

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You can compete with someone over who has the highest score in tetris. Thats still not a competitive game

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Tetris is a competitive game too then. You understand the definition of the word competitive?

I do. You dont understand what a competitve game is


I do because I speak English and understand the meaning of the word competitive. I think you seem to assume that any game that doesn’t have an exclusive mode with a ranking system isn’t competitive.

Yet the very act of having a game were you are pitted against other players. Or rather making “Winning” the objective of any game against other players is the very definition competitive.

If you know of a game where everyone runs around fighting each other and the only goal is to have fun and not win/lose. Then you’ve found your “not competitive” game.

But you see the problem right? By your definition any game is competitive so if youre pedantic on purpose sure you have a point, otherwise I think we both know what people mean when they say a competitive game.

Adding competitive to OW literally did kill it, who could have guessed?

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No not any game. It’s any game where you COMPETE against other players and the one who is better wins. That excludes any coop games where the goal to win is mutual and single player games that don’t have a high score system.

TBH, I don’t think most players even know what Balance means as a technical concept.

It was always meant to be balanced but not in a rq structure.

A hanzo could take on a tank and most supports could kite or destroy the same.

But over time the whole role based balancing ruined it.

Devs forcing hero abilities like original echo stickies and ult instead of making fun abilities and buffing the weakpoints is the antithesis of fun. They should involve the playerbase more in live testing and not be afraid of reworking stale old heroes.
Tired of sunk cost fallacy or hero identity arguments. Mercy still feels like mercy in mirrorwatch. Ana still feels like Ana, Brig like Brig, Zen like Zen, Echo like Echo.
The idea that heroes will lose their identity or that people with 6000 hours on a hero outweigh the net positive of reworks of said hero both don’t hold up.

It’s called OW2 and while Venture is cool, as an old player only things that mix up the stale old heroes like mirror watch are worth playing anymore. Particularly because they are not forced by their very design to compete with other esports pushed heroes or to meet Blizzard standards.
In mirrorwatch their skills (like echos stickies) have a slower travel time and are more likely to hit walls so they have a semblence of natural balance. They have a naturalness to them that forced skills like cross-map stickies don’t have which inherently balances them.

Sadly lots of hero design was pushed during the esports scene to be boring, competitive on the high end (rather than padding in the weaknesses and letting players find the hero strength), and due to corporate timelines.

Competitive casual is peak overwatch. Reworking heroes, padding in the weak points by buffing stuff without releasing or changing skills to be esports worthy.
Let the players find the potential.

It was funnest when it first started and everyone was busted. With all characters busted and super fun to play, it was great.
I miss those days, I miss when Overwatch didn’t take itself seriously. It was like the Saints Row of team battle games, like how Saints Row is the goofy brother of GTA, Overwatch was the goofy brother of… I don’t really know any other team battle games except for TF2, but still.

Then they started to try and balance everyone, which just led to the characters that were fun to play being terrible, and others being oppressive. They introduced new characters to handle the oppressive characters because they have NEVER known how to balance AT ALL, which has brought us here with counterwatch.
Early Overwatch was fantastic, and there was rarely a match of early OW1 that I didn’t enjoy.
Now there’s rarely a match of OW2 that I do enjoy.

The magic is gone, and I’m only here because of some minuscule, misguided hope that it will become good again, that the magic will come back.
But it won’t, I know deep down it will never get better, because all the people that made this game great in the beginning are all gone. Most of them left with all the horrible decisions and controversy at Blizzard, and the rest were fired by Microsoft. There is not a single good, passionate soul left at that company, and all that’s left is greed and corporate zombies just working to get a paycheck with no drive or passion at all.
It’s sad.


Tbh I think you have a word document you copy paste from


I tebd to agree, I rather have fun but unbalanced ow than balanced and frustrating. But blizz knows only the 3 option: unbalanced and unfun.

I really miss the unqieness of heroes and theire gimmicks…


By this definition, snakes and ladders is a competitive game despite not requiring any skill to play, because the whole premise is a competition where someone wins.
And you can competitively speedrun singleplayer games of all kinds.

By your definition of

All games are competitive. Even stardew valley, portal and minecraft.

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