Overwatch vs Fortnite

Overwatch is better.

Thanks for asking.

Fortnite is better right now imo.

I personally get a lot more enjoyment and a lot less frustration from Fortnite

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Let’s not do this, both are very different games.

Though fortnite is in a better state currently then Overwatch is.

But Overwatch has better characters and such. We need more lore by the way😂

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In Fortnite you get 1-pumped, 1-burst, sniped out of nowhere. You get matched with total noobs and professional players. You rely on being lucky with loot. Almost no teamwork. Sure it’s better.

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If I ever actually find the appeal in battle royale other than baaa bandwagon, I’ll let you know.

They’re two different genres, it’s not really like comparing Overwatch to Paladins or Law Breakers or something like that.

But I think Fortnite is hot garbage.

They’re completely separate in how they play. Overwatch is my favorite, but Fortnite is… eh, ok, when I’m forced to play it by friends. It feels like a floaty Gears of War. The weapons and perspective are almost identical, which makes sense since Epic worked on GOW too. Jumpstrafing and building your own cover replaced the map based, weighted-feeling cover warfare of Gears. The art style, while somewhat charming, lacks any kind of realistic feel and is just a bit too over the top. The only appeal is that cosmetics are unlockable through challenges, rather than just random receiving of skins and sprays after you catch a level.

Overwatch feels new to me (it’s my first FPS) and it’s rich in mechanics, art, and story. Even though I’m not a great aimer, I feel like I can still contribute by taking and healing damage as supports and tanks. It’s just… whimsical and amazing.

kinda disagree there buddy, you can play fortnite how ever you wish but literally people who played the game a few times always use the excuse of camping till theres a few people left, they camp because they dont know how to build which is the main purpose of the game Fort-nite, once you get better at it you do anything but camp, and even if you finish top 5 or 3 it means nothing, the concept of waiting people out is just for players who really lack the skill to play the game, i admit i did that in the beginning and got so bored, once i began learning it became amazing fun, and again sure you can camp but its anti fun and you will 100% lose interest if you dont force yourself to learn the building and pushing mechanics

you get sniped cause you were peaking at the wrong place at the wrong time, thats completely your own fault, regarding the shotguns I agree they are very inconsistent but did get nerfed so it happens less often, being lucky with loot is a very crucial part of the game, it forces people to scavenge and inspect areas in the game that in turn results in fight encounters, imo Fortnite wouldnt have the same thrill if people knew what they could get every time, although chests usually spawn in the same places

Overwatch, for me personally. Higher chance of winning. Then again, its like comparing apples to oranges. One is a team based moba/fps hybrid, where you have certain objectives to meet to win a game. The other is a free-for-all last man standing deal. Both fill a different niche, so to say which one is better would be entirely dependent on ones own viewpoint.

By the way i forgot to mention the crasy bullet RNG. Too much luck involved for an esport or even a competative game.

Please stop comparing the two games.
They are completely different from each other (genres, gameplay etc.)
I don’t mind if you love Fortnite but these are the OW forums, please keep stuff OW related, like this guy said -

That is pretty much true for most games compared to OW.
You will hardly find a more frustrating one than OW.

my problem with battle royale games in general is that they are pvp games that don’t reward pvp. the goal isn’t to kill other players, it’s to be the last one alive. therefore hiding and avoiding other players at all cost is a better strategy than actually fighting other people. so the 2 ways to play are actually trying to win by camping in a hiding place (boring), or having fun but having virtually no chance of winning unless you have god tier aim. I’d rather just play a game where I can have fun fighting AND have a chance of winning

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yeah I agree, the spread is very RNG its better if you tap shoot, I dont consider neither OW or Fortnite esports ready

find me a player that consistently wins most of his games in battle royal by avoiding and killing minimum players, camping could have been the best strategy in the first month of Fortnite but it hasnt been for a very long time, camping gets you less loot and is more RNG than killing enemy players and picking up their loot, its counter productive, you get less bullets, gun variations, shields, building material etc you have more to lose if you camp rather than pushing, but its not everyones cup of tea

nobody wins “most of his” games. each game has 1 winner and 99 losers. everyone that isn’t a shroud or a ninja is better off avoiding fights than anything else

This is probably the stupidest statement ever. Certain times, they can’t change certain things, cause it affects other things in OW. Fortnite “balancing” is just number changing. Yes, OW devs are slow, but maybe because they have to plan out what to do before changing it, test it on their own and then put it on the PTR. Apart from that they can’t pump out updates like Fortnite devs because it has officially released and Sony/Microsoft have to do multiple checks before they release the update on consoles. Fortnite is still in open beta so they can do anything they want quickly. That means that OW devs have to make the updates meaningful.

Yeah they think a lot before change something and put on ptr.

Just look the mercy 2.0. Was really balanced.

Same with new hanzo or when they destroyed roadhog for like 6 months with the rework.

Also you need a lot of time to nerf of tracer ult of 400 to 300.