Overwatch vs Fortnite

I honestly don’t know why they even did those things. But it usually seems like they panic-nerf/buff when there is a huge outcry. They seem to know what they want to do themselves, but when there is a community outcry then I think they do these things. Personally I thought that Hanzo, before the rework, was balanced to slightly UP. All he needed was the projectile speed buff to a smaller degree. Roadhog was a bit OP IMO. Fortnite is a much easier game to balance, even I could do it.

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you say that like overwatch didn’t use the formula for a team based fps game

Hanzo scatter was not fair… but i dont know why they create a 6 faster arrows with the capacity of destroy tanks on like 2 secs.

They should nerf the storm arrows numbers of 6 to 5 Or 4.

Completely and 100% disagree, and obviously youre not going to win every game but have a better chance of winning more games if you dont camp.

At least Overwatch isn’t based on luck and bloom. Luck should not exist in a video game and weaponry should be consistent by hitting it’s targets. If it’s in the head it’s a headshot; normal shots are normal. Random Criticals, like in TF2 should not exist.

Overwatch has it’s own problems like poor balance, toxic community etc.

But Fortnite…Fortnite is filled with cringy 13 year olds who listen to awful rap music and accuse your mother of being a homosexual.

Don’t get me started on the copious amounts of cringy dances they implement.

I think they are completely different games that play extremely differently, overwatch is more polished of course I mean its blizzard, and fortnight i find it buggy but still enjoyable. I play both

You can’t even compare the two games

I’m curious to see if Realm Royale does well if that might be the catalyst for Bliz to make their own if they don’t already have some plans for a version of it.


It’s kinda simple really.

Do you like Battle Royale? If yes, Fortnite.

Do you like team-based PvP? If yes, Overwatch.

Battle Royal is the most over-hyped game mode.
It’s actually incredibly mediocre. Most of my OW friends who quit for PUBG or Fortnite have actually come back to OW because Battle Royal gets very old very fast. (In my opinion)

I think if Fortnite wasn’t free we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

This is like asking which is better: Overwatch or WoW.

Overwatch and Fortnite are two different genres.

Let’s be honest, The zombie survival doesn’t define fortnite in the slightest anymore, only Battle Royal does.

fortnite is garbage and if pubg has there way the game will be gone

They’re really different games!

Overwatch offers some things and systems that Fortnite doesn’t, and vice-versa! I play mostly Overwatch, but when I’m in the mood for something different, I go to Fortnite! (Or cuphead, almost have 200% on it after a week of grinding!)

The lack of self-awareness of the average Overwatch fanboy.

Look at it everyone.

Don’t become like them.

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Personal preference OP, and that’s really it. Fortnite is fun, but it isn’t really my thing personally. Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, and Splatoon 2 are my go to multiplayer games (and Final Fantasy 14 if you include that).

Overwatch if you like a quality good time, Fortnite if you like being a sheep :smiley:

fortnite is a garbage game it has stolen elements from other games

Most Blizzard games are rip-offs/adaptations of either one of their previous games or someone else’s game.

Warcraft and SC were based a lot on Warhammer games.

SC2 was an adaptation of Sc1.

D3 was based off of D2 and developed by an entirely separate team than Blizzard North, who developed the originals. The release was really rocky and it encountered a lot of problem. Most of the hardcore Diablo fans that I know of switched to the Torchlight franchise or PoE.

WoW was an adaptation of Warcraft that ripped off of other MMOs.

HotS is a rip-off of League and Dota. It’s always felt forced, like they were upset about losing out on MOBAs being started through custom games on an old engine that they didn’t design and wanted to make something different. The developers are really community friendly but it isn’t terribly relevant in that genre.

Hearthstone was somewhat original but it’s a simplified clone of Magic.

Overwatch was adapted from TF2 and other shooters. It’s got a populist appeal that makes it worth buying but becomes forgettable compared to other notable eSports. Battle Royale games sort of push its genre out of media too. It probably generates enough revenue from OWL and has enough active users who buy content to keep itself running and that’s what I feel they were looking for to begin with. After all, it was adapted from Titan’s use of the new engine.

Blizzard in the 90s: We make games that we want to play, games that are our own unique take
Blizzard in 2018: We make games that appeal to our brand so that we can generate as much revenue as possible.

Jontron puts it pretty well here:
Blizzard used to be the developer you told your friends about. You told your friends how good the games were and encouraged them to try them out. Doesn’t feel that way anymore.

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Totally different games. While Overwatch isn’t in a great spot right now, I personally can’t stand the Battle Royale format of gaming so Fornite lost my attention very quickly.