OvErWaTcH vs ApEx

Imagine thinking you can offer balance suggestions for a game by comparing it to another completely different game.

Maybe the makers of Monopoly should balance their game around chess mechanics.

GoOd WoRk GuYs!


What balance suggestions exactly? I’ve seen people ask for a ping system but no balance suggestions.


LOL you’re kidding right. Literally leave this post and scroll down.

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Yeah no. I’ve seen people say they want a ping system and that Apex Legends was killing Overwatch but nothing on balance. I’m just going to believe you’re fueling some really dumb mental gymnastics.


I haven’t really seen anything in the way of specific balance suggestions–the closest has been that someone said Apex showed how to do Ultimate abilities right, with lower-impact ults that aren’t a win out-of-hand. Otherwise, it’s all been related to stuff like ping mechanics, or stuff like content flow or how Apex is (or is not) an Overwatch competitor

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Honestly I don’t see anyone forming cohesive balance suggestions. They don’t want to do THAT kind of work. They just want to say “LOL Apex is gonna kill Overwatch lol what’re you gonna do about it blizz? huh? huh? you gonna cry about it, blizz?”

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To be fair, other games also do ults the way Apex Legends does. Overwatch is really the only outlier here, and let’s be honest on that, it isn’t good in the long term. It was cool and fun when it was new but it forced a lot of things onto the players.

“Guys Resident Evil 2 remaster will kill Overwatch, now read my 83 threads talking about Resident Evil that I’ve posted on the Overwatch forum”


I think you’re trying a bit too hard to be condescending and you’re making the trolling a bit too obvious.

You’ll get a lot more replies if you at least be original about it.


Believe what you like man, just because you haven’t seen them doesn’t mean these those posts haven’t been flooding the forums. I’ll agree the a good lump of Apex posts have been ‘Apex Legends was killing Overwatch’ type of posts though.

It was meant to be condescending, that’s the point.

Trolling though? No. I genuinely think the posts regarding balancing OW like Apex are idiotic.


Be nice if the person making claims supply with evidence, instead of the usual “lol they’re everywhere just LOOK!!!”

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I think at this point people make Apex threads just as a sheeple way to fit in, they’re like going

"Hey I mentioned this popular (atm) game that just came out, I fit in right??

It’s cool to act jaded and call whatever game forum’s game I’m on dying :sunglasses: "


You have to be trolling to actually expect people to not do this with a game having direct competition for peoples attention. It happens every time for almost every game.

That’s just silly Luna.

RE2 is a great game, but it’s fundamentally different from OW in every aspect. The controls, the fact that it’s story-driven and single-player, etc. etc.

Sure, people may put aside OW to play RE2 for a bit, but once they’ve finished RE2, and feel like playing a multiplayer shooter again, they can just pick OW back up.

AL is a multiplayer, team-based, hero-based shooter. Much like OW is a multiplayer, team-based, hero-based shooter. There are many differences yes, but it’s much more likely for someone to drop OW and pick up AL as a replacement, as opposed to with RE2, which would just be a distraction.

Hope the explanation helps.

I never said I didn’t think Apex was in competition with OW. I said making balance decisions for OW based around Apex is idiotic.

Two very different things there buddy. I never said anything about the posts that regard Apex as competition.

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umm r slash w-whoosh? Some of yall on here have evolved so far that I can no longer tell sarcasm from genuine responses :alien:

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Mercenary Battle:

Each player starts on either side of the board. Each player moves the opposite direction by rolling dice, if a player lands on a chess peice they can purchase said piece. If a player rolls doubles they can choose a card to reveal a benifit or disadvantage. When a player moves they also have to move a chess piece. When the bought chess piece interacts with an unpunished piece they trade places and the unpurched goes onto a new tile. When players reach the middle they collect funds and turn around and have to move back, same thing happens when they reach the end of the board. When a player beats a chess piece it is removed from the game and the player who defeated the piece gets the money used to buy it. The defeated peice returns to the board after 5 turns. The player wins when the other player runs out of money, to do this you have to attack the player with your chess peices. It may take several hits to drain the opponent of money.

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Hahaha. I like it.

Not Monopoly anymore though is it.

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Yeah its a weird hybrid. I just thought it would be funny. Tbh I want battle royal as far away from my Overwatch as possible lol

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Don’t be silly Luna.

You were obviously parodying the folks who bring up every and any game as the next “OW killer”.

I was just explaining that RE2 is not a threat to OW, while a much more similar games with many more overlaps (both in game genre and in playerbase) like AL, does present somewhat of a “threat” to OW.