Overwatch survey about popular community topics and balancing šŸ“š

Hey guys!
I just made a survey (which took me ages to do by the way) about popular community topics overall!
Note that these responses are completely anonymous so post what you think, not what the forums think! Not what your friend thinks! you!
Every question is optional, because it is quite a long survey, I donā€™t expect anyone to do it all :stuck_out_tongue:
So anyways, hereā€™s the link (you need a google account by the way)

Thanks! I will post the responses in a few/couple weeks


ā€œSoldeir: 69ā€

Now thatā€™s a cheeky one ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


I couldnā€™t resist ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)
Ayy I saw ur cheeky reply on the power creep section :stuck_out_tongue:


omg u noticed it lmao

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Omg I didnā€™t even notice that lmaoo

Finally something we can all agree on


Google Forms provides percentakes by answer which is easy to undersand, but doesnt allow to dig the data. To dig the data we need the google sheet. With those data, I could stratify the results within hero classes, which is interesting to unveil the different point of views of players.

I can help with this, but I need you to share the google sheet.


To obtain good data quality, you should post this survey a couple of times here, in EU forums, youtube, reddit and Kotaku. Yor first goal is to reach 100 answers, but the more, the better.


This is going to massively skew your results to the point of making the entire survey worthless.

So I just went to the EU forums andā€¦ yikesā€¦
itā€™s full of people swearing and thereā€™s topics with 0 replies in the ā€œHot topicā€ section xD. Iā€™ll try reddit though, however, whatā€™s Kotaku?

Sure, whatā€™s your email?

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Making the questions mandatory also has inconvenients. Given how the questions is asked, if OP shares the googlesheet I could obtain the % of answer

Oh, well, mail is not needed. You can make a copy of the sheet and make it public for everyone.

btw, my mail isā€¦ edited so you cannot read it anymore

Alright I shared it with you, thanks for helping me, I have no idea how to work google forms :stuck_out_tongue:

I should do a tutorial about what type of questions are easier to analyze.

This is best post iā€™ve seen. Great idea! Itā€™s a great way to interact with each other without getting post removed too. All we want is to make some friends here.

Interesting survey, will be interesting to see the CSV and see what responses line up with one another.

Do you think OWL should be balanced around?

Uhhhhhhhh? what

Great survey and really fun to get through, but really seeing responses such as that Bastion somehow needs net - buffs and that Symmetraā€™s 3.0 rework was an extremely unsuccessful one make me question its effectivenessā€¦

It was unsuccessful in terms of a rework though.

That doesnā€™t mean sym 3.0 is a bad character it just means that the rework didnā€™t keep the previous version in mind

If sym 3.0 was just released as a new character entirely it would have been better for the game. No one wants reworks to also include the risk of a character being deleted but syms rework effectively opened up that door


I think it really lacks one answer option to each topic: Depends. (dot is required)

Interesting to see Torbs rework universally deemed the best.

Probably because the most annoying/boring part of his kit was dumbed down. Also the fact that he has no cc abilities