Overwatch survey about popular community topics and balancing 📚

71 responses so far.

Bumping this to gather mote data.

The survey is easy to fill, but i will have troubles to work with the data because of they way it put several heroes in one square of the googlesheet.

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I was surprised so many people are against Hero bans.

Hero bans seem like one of the healthier options for reacting against particularly adept players and maps that strongly favor a particular hero without having to nerf the hero overall. I think hero bans would make the game more interesting, more chess-like, and force people off of one-tricking so you had to be good on at least a handful of heroes.

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Not an bad survey overall.

none should be an answer too

I was happily surprised by the general direction of the survey, I mostly agree with the polls, stuff like the sym rework being broken and the torb rework being amazing in the eye of players makes me really happy since it is always how I felt about them but they weren’t much of a topic. I love that people are cool with hanzo and doomfist nerf.

Who did they say was the worst???

Oh wait, wrong person my bad

75% want RQ+RL and 75% want a scoreboard.

That’s really good information actually, I thought we were getting to a stage where it was the other way round, good to see (IMO).
Also, it’s quite interesting what hero people think are OP (the three snipers and doomfist)

I have one major criticism and thats on the topic asking about how successful the reworks were, I think that the question of whether it made the characters better to fight against and better to play against seperate, for instance the Hanzo rework might have made him better to play as but as we can see from all the people saying he needs nerfs it definitelt didnt make it better to play against him

But then you can just say it was a bad rework balance wise.

I’d like it too.

Ok, ya’ll know who I am now, but it isn’t any big thing.

Yeah, but do you mind if forum bots gobble up your email and you start getting spammed like the end of the marketing world is coming?

Good survey btw.


Sure, I gave you edit access.

Thanks, I’ll build you a nice ui to see the results tonight.

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I think it made it made him better to play against. Storm arrows are fair and not a one shot ability like Scatter… now, it may be that Storm arrows are a bit powerful for most people and even pros agree that he doesn’t need that much consistent damage for a sniper.

Just quickplay

  • a vortex where heroes of chaos and law are in war it seems. Interesting how people are so different

Power creep

  • remember how discord orb got nerfed and nerfed and nerfed? Dps except widow hanzo needed buffs to follow that. More like a power nerf.

Than why have them be a seperate question if whether or not you think it made them better to play as or against directly affects the question of whether the rework made a more balanced character even though all 3 questions are mutually exclusive and have different answers for different people, for instance lets take the Symmetra rework, overall she became a more balanced hero in my opinion, she feels better to play against in my opinion, but she doesn’t feel as good to play as in my opinion, she ticks the first 2 boxes but not the 3rd for me, and the question not being split made me leave out my vote on multiple I would have had a vote on if the question was seperate, additionally I would have included 2.0 and 3.0 to get the widest amount of responses on reworks as a whole but thats less of a concern as we no longer have 2.0 and the fact she was reworked again shows that it failed in the first place

132 answers so far. Overall there is 75% of answer rate in the less answered questions. People who dont answer that questions but answer other ones should be interpretated that they dont see or they dont want to think about buffs/reworks/nerfs needed in any hero.

I published the link of the survey in one video of Overwatch Central and Unit Lost yersterday.

Today, I will publish it in reddit (edit… I already posted in there) . Our next milestone are 250 answers.

You can edit your message jusst after receiving the data to avoid spam

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They didn’t even try to balance sym 2.0 though I would have loved some nerds if it meant we wouldn’t lose the character entirely

useful thread very much tho :smiley: