Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Yes, new contender skins for April will probably be announced on the contenders Twitter feed on or by the 1st.

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Praying for D.Va Contenders skin :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

finally have the green dot smh

I greatly apologize for the scheduling errors. Things should now be fixed.

It happened probably 2+ years ago. I tried to find it but Reddit’s search function is so horrible it’s almost impossible to find anything old.

Anyway crisis averted because I just got 4x5 token drops. Adding the previous 15 makes total of 35 tokens so they gave the tokens for the full 7 hours. Other people who didn’t get the drops yesterday might want to check now or in the next hours.

Update from the weekend for my earlier post just to help with any statistics/ problem solving.

So i watched some of yesterday’s broadcast on my tablet on The YouTube app (via IOS) and got 10 tokens from the broadcast.

The day before it was on the official YouTube app on a LG smart TV and I was logged into the same account as IOS which are synced (I can watch a video from whatever point I am upto on either device).

Additional for info only based in the UK and a console player, so seems to work on the app as long as not on a smart TV (doesn’t appear to have the functionality to say it is connected like on a phone/tablet but should be if linked to the same accounted which as synced across other devices).

Hope this is a little helpful.

There is a NA Contenders match scheduled on 1st April 12AM (BST), but it doesn’t appear on the schedule

Its there, but in the April section. Remember there will be new rewards starting that day.

What I see on April 1st is a Australian + EU match but not one for NA

oops not paying attention here, your time zone is a bit out of place. That is on March 31st local time. Day 3 is in the March section, Day 4 is in April.

Oh alright that made me super confused :smiley: sorry

I watched enough hours for the rein skin, but I still haven’t received the skin. And the green dot is active during the lives…

Tokens for Contenders seem to be dropping using the OWL site, accounts linked up with the green dot that everyone’s been talking about. Had it running for a while and got 15 tokens if they’re from tonight’s stream and not delayed from yesterday.

Yep the times of the promotions is based on the U.S. Pacific Daylight Saving time zone so which ever broadcasts appear on the day for the time zone depends on which month that broadcast qualifies for.

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They might be delayed from yesterday assuming you watched on the YouTube connected platform.

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Concerned as I -still- don’t have the Bastion skin, and I know i’m definitely past the 5 hour mark, even though it only takes 3 hours.

Green dot was live, viewed it via the website for the latter end of KR stream, followed into the EU stream this afternoon. Was signed in, have only had this issue for contenders one other time during the Mercy issue, and the grand finals Tracer.

Live in NA, and i’m hoping that i’ll both be still credited the Bastion skin. At the very least, I don’t want to go forward just to not get the Rein skin either. :confused:

EDIT - Nevermind what I said. I am very tired.

I compared this schedule with the official schedule and the times appear to be accurate. It is the start times on YouTube that are 1 hour ahead for me in the UK.

Very possible, I’m gonna try and watch the NA Contenders stream the same way on the OWL site tonight and see if that works. Saturday was nearly immediate and if that was Sunday’s drops now it was very dealyed.
Hopefully the matches later will help clear up which is which.

(To be clear, the Exp Card tourney was watched on YT and I’m gonna try the OWL site for now to contrast the speed of which tokens are rewarded if they work.)

Please work through my troubleshooting steps in the starting post ASAP. There is still enough hours to get both rewards but I need you to at least try to get those steps done quickly so there is time to test.

Hey WyomingMyst, thanks for updating the schedule to include Wednesday (3/31) instead of “Day 2” and “Day 3” matches both being scheduled for Tuesday (3/30). The Contenders schedule website (and scheduled YouTube videos) show the US matches starting at 4:00pm (16:00) PDT. I’m wondering if that’s a quick fix or some problem with daylight savings messing with the original times.