Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Most players have reported 30 which is what I expected conservatively.

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When I watched Saturday I caught the stream about 2 hours in. I got 5 tokens from watching the stream from that point to the end, didnā€™t think anything of it. The next day I started the stream at the start and watched to the end, still only got 5 tokens for that dayā€™s streamā€¦

i passed on this weekend because it seemed to have a lot of problems , probably gonna start grinding tokens when OWL Resumes , anyways i hope we get a tracer skin next month for contenders . april is coming and hopefully we get googly eyes too.

you can explain why I get skins for watching the contests on the site, but for watching these two matches I donā€™t get tokens, I looked on YouTube and the site

I have tried to work with you and I still have no specific ideas to why you specifically are not earning tokens in any promotion. My guess there is something that is preventing it based on the official rules. Ukraine shouldnā€™t be a restricted country but at this point, itā€™s beyond me what is holding you up.

Overwatch Contenders Final Week

Just as a quick reminder, we are now in the final week for Overwatch Contenders for the month of March. I predict there is less than 24 hours of broadcast time (starting with March 29th Korea Contenders) remaining for players to earn the Bastion and Reinhardt skin. Remember you need 3 hours for Bastion, 10 hours for Reinhardt.

Just as a quick reminder, the YouTube connection feature that was introduced for Overwatch League is not yet available for Overwatch Contenders. You must be on OverwatchContenders.com to earn rewards for Contenders broadcasts.

p.s. I had a rather rough night of Overwatch myselfā€¦ I am going to bed early so I will not be active this morning to help directly with this Korea broadcast now running. Sorry everyone.


I donā€™t understand either, I get skins without any problems, I recently received Rein for viewing, my friends who receive tokens from Ukraine, I donā€™t even know what to think about, honestly, itā€™s very sad to realize this, although Iā€™m looking at everything on the same site

give advice on what to do and where to go?

I guess there are different regulations for obtaining skins and tokens. My country was not eligible to get tokens before, but I could obtain skins or other cosmetic incentives.
As for what to do regarding not receiving tokens, I guess your best bet is to wait. I dont think customer support offer help with streaming rewards.
The tournament is over so the next time you will get chance to get tokens is on April 16. Watching on the official overwatch streaming websites work fine for me with Firefox.

This has been the case with every single season of Overwatch.

Let me restate that: EVERY SINGLE SEASON

You would think that they would have learned from their prior mistakes.

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Did my first 3 hours of the Contenders stream today and got the Bastion skins. Thanks for the info help WyomIngMyst :grinning:

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Got the Rein skin. PC EU

Iā€™ve been catching matches all month in Contenders, I got the Bastion skin just fine, STILL donā€™t have the Rein skin for some reason. Fantastic system youā€™ve got here as usual, Blizzard.

Seriously, you should have stuck with Twitch. At least their system was consistent.

Didnā€™t get anything from Sundayā€™s stream on YT despite getting 10/15 on Saturday. Nothing changed in the settings as far as I know and account was connected the whole time so the inconsistencies seem to be back.

Donā€™t know if it was the same for others since I assume a lot of people were watching via the OWL site (which can have itā€™s own problems), Iā€™m gonna try using that one from now on when the League starts again on the 16th.

This is why some of us woke up at 4am to get both skins before the end of month because we knew lol.

You will probably have to watch it tomorrow for it to come in.

Thatā€™s what happened with us. We ended up watching over 25 hours to get it.

Europe started :heart_eyes:

Oof, did it start early or did I read the schedule wrong?

Says it was supposed to start 2pm my time (ET). Apparently it started an hour or so early.


Official schedule has it at 1pm not 2pmā€¦

Are we about to get the next round of skins?