Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

I’ve looked over this information before, but to be safe I checked it again. I will give you all the info i believe you’d be asking for.

My account permissions are certified for rewards access through the OWL website.

Viewed it on PS4 as I always do, which has granted me previously offered skins with little trouble. I have tried in the past to do it through my phone, but this is the most consistent method to keeping the green dot always active.

I live in North America, EST time zone. I really was disappointed that EU and NA only have two half days this month for streams in total. I wasn’t aware until halfway through the month that the matches were hosted at nearly 3-4am for me, so it wasn’t realistic, and simply had to wait for the 28th, which was then pushed back to the 29th for streams. If only counting NA and EU for tonight/tomorrow, it does seem like i should have enough time, but only if this registers my hours exactly.

Never had a ban, everything was linked, i was absolutely signed in during the matches.

Not sure what else to do~

Much like WyomingMyst had noted, go through the troubleshooting steps. I recall once having no problems for the longest time, and then suddenly not getting something I was expecting. Clearing my cookies is what fixed my problem. Luckily, the site still recognized and timed my viewing (green dot), but it could not trigger the reward until I cleared my cookies.

And more importantly, don’t panic. Including the US matches today and Korean matches early tomorrow morning, there are still 20 hours scheduled per the Contenders website. Granted, if the matches are blowouts, there’s likely to be a bit less than 20 hours.

I can’t see the stream on Contenders website. Isn’t the NA Day 1 supposed to start now?

Same, I think is an error on the schedule in the second post because in the official stream says is starting in 55mins

Oh. Alright, thank you kindly for info.

Guess they didn’t account for the switch to summer time that happened on Sunday?
Pity. I won’t be able to stay up longer.

Yeah I am a bit confused. The start times on YouTube appear to be 1 hour ahead or behind of the official schedule. Somethings gotta be fixed.
For example it says the EU stream on the 1st will start at 7PM on YouTube
But on the official schedule it says it will start at 8PM

Things have definitely been mixed up after the switch to summer time.

So does that mean the stream that was ‘meant’ to start 25 minutes ago will actually start in 35 mins?

correct, starting at 16:00 PDT

OK awesome, I can stop madly refreshing the page, thanks!

Cookies aren’t really the issue with the platform I use, but i cleared it anyway. As far as KR streams, i believe i mentioned it wasn’t realistic for me to stream so early in the morning, and was speaking purely about EU/NA times.

No stream on the official page so far… NotLikeThis!

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I know, stream started already but the player doesn’t show on English server

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Yep no stream on the page

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Right? No stream. So disappointing.


This is the kind of thing that keeps hindering people from getting the hours required. -_-


It will be the same stream as the European broadcast. Until the European matches are done, N.A. doesn’t begin

Yes, during this month every time I wanted to get hours there were always errors or things like this :confused:

It’s working for me now.

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Live now for me woohoo

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Hm, the European broadcast ended 2 hours ago though :smiley: