Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

I was mistaken based on responses and timing of the drops starting to work

I hope this helps me, there are no tokens, but as you say you have to wait 1 hour, so Iā€™m waiting

Do you have any ad blockers? I always clear my web browser cache before the start of each day for these events.

Ah yes, got my 15 from yesterday. So it did work through my signed in TV YT app after all! Also 10 received from being signed into to OWL app today.

So for me itā€™s worked for both ways. I guess there is a considerable delay in receiving those from YT.

They donā€™t give missing tokens but they can give tokens. There was a case in reddit where someone was few tokens short and just got them from support after asking.

Yes, just like I watched yesterday and on many many other OWL days. Has worked just fine. That canā€™t be the reason.

I have never heard of thisā€¦ got a link?

I donā€™t want to take anything to chance, in past user experiences trying to watch on multiple devices at the same time can cause issues.

I watched on my TV logged into my linked account and did not receive any tokens.

Iā€™m watching on the OWL website in chrome and casting to my TV.

This will not work unless you have the video also playing on your web browser.

I can confirm that this is working and have received 10 tokens so far.

Browser: Chrome using the ā€œplay on tvā€ icon on the Overwatch league website.

Got 20 tokens. I believe it was from Youtube yesterday, after 24 hours,

Today, I tried Overwatch League website: green dot going red after a few seconds on Firefox (all content blocking disabled). My brother tried Safari on his Mac, it stayed green. I also tried the iPhone App. It doesnā€™t seem to work either.

bro my green dot didnt appear on the site but but my yt app had the diamond check mark so 1 question why didnt the green dot appear two will i still get tokens cause i wason YT app diamond mark

Itā€™s been a full 24 hrs and I never received my tokens. Youtube must still be bugged.

So I mentioned earlier that I only got 5 from yesterday due to me leaving the house not realizing that there had to be a green dot. Today I got 15 tokens from staying on the OWL site like yesterday. So whether or not some of the time carried over from yesterday, I did correctly earn 3 hours worth of tokens as today was pretty much 3 hours long.

Gonna stick with the OWL site as always.

Guys where can we watch the Korean Streams for the Rein skin?

At PTP Contenders Homepage | Contenders at 3 AM PDT. (YouTube connected accounts not yet available for Contenders broadcasts)

Thank you.
I do not see scheduled videos on the Contendersā€™ youtube channel.
There was a pretty special stream the other time right? Most missed that.
So the Rein skin is related only to the Korean streams? Not all the other ones? I am a bit lost.

Are the streams that earn you OWL tokens already over?

I ended up watching both days on YT, linked my account to Battle.net before hand and just watched it. Got 15 tokens yesterday pretty quickly to my surprise but so far nothing tonight maybe due to a delay or such.
There were no settings changes between nights as far as Iā€™m aware.
The main issue I had on both nights was with audio de-sync which despite a few refreshes always persisted throughout the broadcasts, not the worst thing but a little annoying.

Iā€™ll need to check out the OWL site if the league is going play adverts in between breaks on YT, Iā€™d rather a timer between breaks then have ads pop-in personally, I did the same when OWL was on Twitch to keep it convenient. Hope people get some more tokens soon.

so i did got my 15 tokens for overwatch league but my green dot didnt appear on the site but but my yt app had the diamond check mark so 1 question why didnt the green dot appear two will i still get tokens cause i wason YT app diamond mark

Yes. If you need more tokens in order to get either of the two Legendary skins available before April 6th, you will need to make a purchase for additional Overwatch League Tokens at this point:

Battle.net PC - PlayStation 4/5 - Xbox 1/X/S - Nintendo eShop (find on app)