Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Yes, I can also confirm that I finally got the Symmetra skin (PC EU) after waking up this morning.

Still no mercy skin , i got Sym like 5 days ago.

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I watched on Opera but didnā€™t get the Symm skin, I live with my boyfriend and he got his skin, he used the same Windows and browser version as me, we opened the streams at the exactly same time, but I just checked and still no signs of my skin :pensive:

I just checked again, the Symmetra skin arrived this morning. Iā€™m on Xbox
(UK) and used a smart phone on chrome with volume off due to it being late at night for me.

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I can also confirm I got the Symmetra skins this morning. Iā€™m on PC and used chrome.

Watched almost every event so far from the UK at stupid oā€™ clock in the morning on the contenders website. No rewards, even waited the allotted 48 hours. Think Iā€™ve done well over 20 hours now and Iā€™ve not even got the Sym skin. What BS.

You really need to sort this out. At least implement some tracking so itā€™s clear to the user that they are making progress when you expect such insane watch time requirements.

Hey everyone as a friendly reminder, Blizzard is still looking into the issues from the past two broadcasts. Also, additional broadcasts start today at 11 AM PDT and I am hopeful there will be as much as 8 hours of live broadcast time between both European and North American tournaments to watch from.

I can also confirm I received the Symmetra skin just today; definitely did not have it last night. Iā€™m on PC using Chrome \o/

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Still no skins for me and I use Chrome.

So hopefully it will get fixed but at least the next few days will give me a better chance and going through Edge will hopefully make it easier if these issues persist

The schedule says thereā€™s a match on right now, but I canā€™t figure out how to watch it. Can anyone explain how the site works? How do I watch a match thatā€™s on?

it will start after 1 hour.

Ah, thank you. I think I adjusted for time zone difference in the wrong direction :wink:

I just received my sym skins today!


Also received the mercy skin the day after. Europe PS4, check your account :slight_smile:

Thanks for everything Wyoming!

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Go to Overwatchleague dot com and hit on the path to pro link and then sign in. Itā€™s on the front page of the Path to Pro link.

Make sure you link all your accounts.

Thanks WyomingMyst.

This solved my issue on all formats, Mac, PC, Android, iPad.

Go to:
Account Settings (top right corner drop down)
Connections (left hand menu)
Authorized Applications (At the bottom of the list)
Click the ā€œX Removeā€ (to remove all the permissions)
Log out
Log back in, and this time allow all.

This fixed the 404 loop, the sign in loop, and the inability to sign in with the orange button under the view.

Again, this worked on Mac, iPad, Android, PC, with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Yeah, I used edge and I got my sym skin a few days ago. Iā€™ve been using edge for the past few months because chrome has been spotty for me when it comes to getting drops.

Anyone get their Mercy skin yet?

Iā€™m going to give it 1 more hour but I am 95% sure that I have watched just enough for the Mercy skin now.

No signs of it yet on my account =/

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Nah sadly , ill give it an hour too.

I am glad to hear players are now earning their skins, please continue to reply as needed everyone! Remember two effective steps to refresh your login is to Remove and Restore permissions and clear out the web cookies. Both steps are listed in the troubleshooting guide in the first post.