Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

So there isn’t any pattern to who got the Hog Skin and who didn’t besides that all of them own at least some of the Grey Skins?

This is a real bummer since it was mostly people who actually cared about OWL who have spent money on those skins.

I still don’t get why they don’t at least use OWL Grey Skins that haven’t been released before :woman_shrugging:


Because it was over three years ago when the original promotions ran and back then not many really got those skins.

Wait, the mercy grey skin is avaliable??

In two weeks, during the June Joust tournament, as voted on via Twitter. All three options were OWL grey skins that were already available in previous promotions. So if you missed your chance to pick up the Mercy skin for 1300 Twitch bits, you can get it for watching 4 hours of the June Joust tournament with your account linked, June 10-12 (possibly June 13 with encore).

I still find it funny that even the website says:

the Overwatch League team will pick four Overwatch League skins, and fans can vote for their favorite via Twitter

Until confirmed or proven otherwise, I still think the Roadhog skin was given to those who had the other 3 skins to avoid a voting conflict or it was just a flat-out mistake.

Either way, even if you already have the Mercy skin, you’ll want to tune in for the 4 hours for the exclusive tournament spray.

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Thank you so much for the heads up!! I could’ve missed it

Not really an excuse considering over half the roster still didn’t get theirs, people who have the gray skins but also people who didn’t get those could receive the gray skins no one has. Now people who got some of them basically get nothing except for a spray.


For upcoming Contenders in June, I wonder if NA & EU Season 2 Tournament matches were counted for unlocking the Contender skins instead of just Chinese matches (Knockout 2 & Playoffs English Vodcast.

Sorry for the late reply. They were invited to two that gave tokens, although they missed one of them due to seeing the mail late and the survey being closed already. Still, they were invited to two with token drops while being from Germany, so it can’t really be USA only.

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hey guys,

what skin(s) will be rewareded for contenders in June ?

Earned? EARNED? No sir, I did not ‘earn’ those skins, I paid money for bits, which got me the skins. Now you can legally add in a delineation between the cash and the skin via bits but it’s pretty clear to everyone- especially those of us in countries who couldn’t watch ads for bits or get the random prizes- that $$$=skins. If you didn’t have cash, you didn’t get the skins.

So now where in a situation where watching this tournament is more rewarding for new accounts than for long term, financially supportive customers. That is an absolutely crazy state of affairs. It can’t possibly be Blizz’s intention to disrespect loyal fans like that. That’s for paying for that- now watch us give it away for free!

Don’t get me wrong, I understand people want these skins. Which is why it utterly perplexes me that the grey skins aren’t alongside the team skins. Just make them available for tokens. Then everyone can buy what they want, everyone is rewarded equally with tokens for watching and no one has to worry about real life getting in the way on any particular weekend.

Instead we get this mess and lies about ‘exclusive’ skins that are actually recycled.


You cheered for a team, and that’s also what you bought back then. The OWL grey skins were a ‘gift’ for cheering, look at it as a reward. So basically, you did earn them and you didn’t pay money for the skins themselves.

HOWEVER, your intention to pay money to cheer for a team was probably to get the grey skins. But again, this doesnt mean you bought the skin, just means you got them as a reward.

Also, as far as I know, they never said the grey skins were exclusive or limited time skins.

This is blizzards view on the owl grey skins, and unfortunately you can’t change that view. The only thing you can be happy about now is that you got 3 years of ‘early access’ to the grey owl mercy skin, and making others jealous by having that access :slight_smile:

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Not to undermine your statement in general, I absolutely get the frustration about not being able to get new skins while others are able to earn skins you paid for, but I wanted to write something about the following sentence.
(I am happy to be able to earn these skins as I didn’t play during that time, but given that I “bought” every emote from Season 2, starting after a few weeks because I just started playing, I guess I would’ve bought them back then, too, so I feel you)

From several games I was or am involved in a lot plus a medium to large sized Minecraft server I helped moderate/administrate, most of the money players will make you comes from two groups.
The first group are whales who spend a lot of money on a regular or at least semi-regular basis (buying supporter packs whenever they come out, buying events or whatever repeatable they can buy from the shop, in terms of OW probably buying league skins and lootboxes).
The second group are players who are somewhat new to the game, like the game and decide to invest in a few things that make the game more enjoyable for them and maybe help the developer out a bit.

I don’t suspect the group of whales to be as big as in other games for OW, as there is a limit to things you can spend money on. Once you have all skins from OWL and lootboxes for the other skins, there is no reason to spend more money.

I don’t know their numbers, but I suspect that it might be more beneficial, at least in a monetary sense, to cater towards new players, as they might bring in more money.

Funny thing is that Twitch allowed me to watch ads to get bits for free just long enough to get Junkrat, Widow, Hanzo and Tracer, but then never let me get anymore to get the rest. Don’t know why it just never worked anymore but yeah.

This is kinda splitting hairs, but according to Twitch, they were considered exclusive.

In any Overwatch League game, Cheer with Bits to show off your fandom, hype up your favorite teams, and unlock exclusive loot.

Source (can’t link): Twitch Blog post called “Show your colors and earn rewards with the Overwatch League on Twitch” (Feb 21, 2018)

I was probably more bitter about Demon Hunter Sombra, Oni Genji, or Officer D.Va skins becoming more widely available than with what’s going on with this Mercy Grey skin. I agree that 3-years is probably long enough to warrant this as a timed, paid exclusive (as I hope and expect them to continue drip-feeding grey skins until they’re all available anyway).

I’m just hoping that some day they’ll do a promotion to bring back availability for the vintage team skins. There was little-to-no warning that they were removing them. I had been F2P-ing the tokens and had 10 of the SF Shock skins, and I probably would have bought tokens to complete the set, had there been more of an advanced notice.


Oni and Officer D.Va were understandable changes since it locked out everyone that didn’t have a PC from unlocking those skins. Demon Hunter Sombra was explicitly stated to come to the game in another form within a year at the same time it was sold. So there are valid explanations for both situations.

They often wait until the first broadcast before announcing the skins for that month. In fact, for May’s Contenders skins, they waited until the first May broadcast for US before announcing the skins (There was also a KO and EU broadcast before that announcement):

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Are there going to be more contender broadcasts for June?

Cause what i’m seeing here above, only Chinese games (English VODs)
But the times for me in EU are abysmal…
Aall but 1 at 3 AM during workdays where i gotta to work at 8 AM…
I can’t…


I was initially thinking they wouldn’t, but after double-checking through the schedule, there’s over 30 hours of ENG Vodcast broadcasts for the Chinese matches, 16 hours of EU broadcasts, and 17 hours of US broadcasts, which is more time than what May had to offer, and they did skins for May.

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Season 2 of Contenders for both the EU and the US is starting in late June, sorry I do not have the schedule mirrored here yet, but you can find it at OverwatchContenders.com. That being said, I don’t recommend waiting all the way until then, try to stream in hours from China contenders to ensure you can earn the skins without any problems.


It seems the June skins are Zarya and Sombra. Got that info from a Reddit post that has a tweet with Chinese text but the image with the skins looks legit.