Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

I didn’t get the invite to the recall division, but a friend got in. They are not from the USA, but they got at least the first one with a token reward. I’d have to ask them about a second one giving tokens, but I know they had multiple without reward, so it seems it isn’t about not being from the USA.


God, why did they decide to pick 3 heroes that already had their gray skins available for the vote? There’s still many that didn’t have their turn, there better be something like the Roadhog gray skin if it really was for the people that already owned Tracer, instead of just making us watch for the june spray. :tired_face:


I’m still holding out for Pharah…Why Mercy?

I filled 5 surveys, 2 offered 50 tokens each. I missed one because it had to be filled within 24-48 hours of reception but fortunately it didn’t offer tokens. All inquiries were made by email.

I’m not finding anything, but is mercy getting the grey skin for june? i saw someone saying it in the owl encore

Would be cool if you could ask them. I think the first one was available to everyone but I’m suspecting they only send the second one to a specific group of people (maybe only US based) because others on the recall page stated that they were missing an “I don’t know” option and had to fill in nonsense answers sometimes because they didn’t know the brands they were asking about.

The reason I didn’t get the first one was because I signed up later, fyi I also didn’t get an invite, but someone on this thread posted a link where anyone could sign up.

Mercy won the Twitter poll, it is likely to be the skin available to earn on the June Joust tournament weekend.

Yay, excited to get her skin

thank you very much. Now I’ll have every mercy skin in the game

You have all the owl skins for her ?

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Any news about Soe’s designed spray from the 2021 OWL opening weekend ?

i do have all her owl skins including the retired ones and pink

its in the game already

Tracer + Wreckingball is the May Melee spray… what’s the opening weekend one ?

No that is not correct, the Tracer and Wrecking Ball spray, which called “Super Fans,” is the opening weekend spray. The May Melee one has yet to be revealed.


Ah yes I got those mixed up xD

This is pretty strange.
I did not receive any tokens from the last OWL stream that happened just now.
Been watching for 2 hours.
Were there any delays?

Will there be a chance to re-earn the Brigitte skin like what happened with the Mercy skin? Been waiting a whole month for it.

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Any words on what the people will receive who already own it?

Not 100% sure if this is true, but I think whoever already owned Tracer got Hog as compensation.

I can confirm that the Grand Finals Tracer duplication is NOT the reason why some users got Roadhog.

As far as I know there will be no compensation for those who already earned the Mercy skin from the 2018 Twitch Cheer Bits promotion.