Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Yap, it’s working now.

I hope receive the reinhardt skin after this stream because I already have all the required hours…

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yh same I think im a few hours short

so dude my google has stop catching cookies or something i m not getting the green dot on chrome any more but i did restart all the setting and everything but still doesn’t comes back

I’ve now taken the precautions to follow everything on the troubleshooting guide checklist. If after this round of matches I don’t have the skin, it might be a good idea to let the higher ups know its still having issues.

Just got home from having the Korean and EU streams running while watching the stream next to me at work to see that I unlocked the Rein skin - pretty sure I was close to it already and would have had it like others did if I didn’t miss the stream before those.

I still have no rein skin, the green dot is active, i think blizzard i’ll not give me the skin :rage:

Just updating that the Bastion skin finally popped at least. Will there still be enough time if all I can watch tomorrow is the EU and NA streams?

Yes there will be. Tomorrow amd Wednesday

Thanks again for the help~

Side question, if I have the original OWL gray skin for Tracer, does that mean i’ll have another shot at the white(away) version of it in the upcoming reward stream displaying her?

please help me troubleshoot i did enable cookies i deleted the cache and everything i done but still i am not getting green dot on chrome but firefox is fine please help

Nice just got the Rein skin thxx

I do not know if Tracer grey/white will get another chance.

omg i finally got the skin , ty wyoming for all your hard work on letting us know the times, and how to’s

You may need to check for any permissions blocked.


  1. Go to YouTube.com on Google Chrome (possibly works on Microsoft Edge as well)
  2. Click the :lock: lock icon next to the URL.
  3. Click the :gear: site settings icon
  4. A new tab will appear listing the various site settings. Make sure all permissions are set to Allow.
  5. Wait for at least an hour.

how do we get the tracer skin?

everything is fine should i send u a screenshot or can i add some cookies that i haven’t if u know any list do tell this happen suddenly but but its all good on firefox not chrome is only trouble

Can you whitelist overwatchleague.com in Chrome?

  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines icon on the far right of the Address bar.
  2. Click on Settings, scroll to the bottom and click the Show Advanced Settings link.
  3. Click on Change proxy settings.
  4. Click the Security tab > Trusted Sites icon, then click Sites.
  5. Enter the URL of your Trusted Site, then click Add.

There will be a series of Overwatch League branded Gray and White skins up for grabs during the final week of each monthly tournament, which you will need to watch 4 hours from that tournament in order to earn that hero’s gray and white OWL skins. The hero for each monthly tournament will be decided by the community sometime during the month of that tournament. It is unlikely there will be another chance for Tracer any time soon.

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nothing work same problem on chrome

is the tournament this month???