Overwatch should go back in time

Ah yup, it’s all coming back to me now. Don’t know why I went a year forward.


cause 2018 is when that horrible creature of a monster got released :relaxed:


Oh yeah, Brig came out in 2018… I repressed those memories :frowning:


rose colored sunglasses…

the actual link in this post doesnt work anymore but believe me the SAME EXACT things everyone complains about today were also complained about 4 years ago

its the same game…it was just “new” then

Not at all. It’s not like people complain about Overwatch being fun or not. Simply new heroes and balancing team need to do a lot of work to cover the mistakes they’ve made.

When Overwatch came out I played Winston and had a hell of a time.

Now, I play Winston, and have the time from hell.

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at no point have they “accomplished” that though…premise of thread is to go back in time to a better time i guess…but that “better time” also saw the same exact complaints