Overwatch should go back in time

So you want Brig v1 added a second time.

Because currently, McCree is being run as Tracers counter, and the difference in win rate shows how effective it is.

So hey, “just counter her” - Brig v1 added again, coming right on up.

You are making EXACTLY the arguments which CAUSED Brig v1.

This, right here, is the argument which got us Brig. People SAID to counter her, rather than nerf her to being reasonable.

You make the same argument, we will get the same result.

OW is better than it has ever been. The game back then had some serious issues that needed to be fixed and they did.

When talking about counter, I’m saying the person who is handling the counter. Not the character.

What problems, exactly?

Totally agree, i found the game got progressively worse/not as fun after 2017 Overwatch.


Then Brig wasn’t a problem, because you could be WAY better than the Brig and win.

But hey, “just counter her” and McCree isn’t working, Brig isn’t working… so… new Brig! That is what we will get.

Because you are asking for new Brig, the same way as she was asked for the first time.

I guess you must love her being added to the game, and you are being clever in the way to get more like her added.

You’re welcome

Again, nostalgia obscures the reality and newness made it more chaotic and less certain in compositions. People have gotten better at identifying what works and what doesn’t as the game progresses. Of course nobody’s perfect, and sometimes they can be wrong (either directly or be right about the conclusion but wrong on the reason), but the players who have been playing the longest are generally more correct than at the start of the game.

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Nope. Launch Brig was blatantly broken and it can’t be discussed. It’s just too clear. That’s why, still after +10 nerfs, it’s the 3rd most picked support this week.

That would be a good change with the actual state of the game. Not if we’re reverting Overwatch to 2016 power level. But anyways good post.

Heroes have always been broken one way or another and needed balancing. I’m not going to go through the whole list but just to give some examples:

  • McCree’s FtH was ridiculous, as was sniper McCree.
  • Scatter Arrow was ridiculous too and had to go.
  • Roadhogs hook has always been problematic, the rework they did to it a while ago helped a lot, but the original was a nightmare.
  • Mercy’s mass rez was god awful and had to go.
  • Widow has also always been problematic ans has gone through a lot of changes.
  • Bastion is a design nightmare, but it was way worse back then.
  • Torbjorn was always a troll pick until rework.
  • Symmetra is well… Symmetra.
  • Not to mention tons of number rebalancing on most heroes.

Those are just a tiny bit of examples from a huge HUGE list of issues the game had.

I think that more importantly than that, broken heroes started getting added to the game, which made it unfun.

The most fun I’ve ever had in OW was in 2017. Miss those days…

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I mean honestly doom had 10x more than what I suggested back when he first released in 2017

… and he was still considered a throw pick :confused:

sorry im not going back to moth meta

And yet, you want another one?

They will make a new Hero to counter Tracer, and they will have to be broken enough to do so.

Brig again… you know you want it. None of the current “counters” actually work. so… it will have to be quite a lot stronger than current Brig.

This is how we end up with Brig like supports.

They’re definitely not all like that, but they have had an impact on some heroes certainly. In the base game, Dva had more ults to eat proportionally, because every single hero released after launch cannot have their ult be eaten or effectively stopped with Defense Matrix.

Moth meta wasn’t in 2016, or 2017. It was 2018, when she got reworked, to early 2019, just before that year’s Lunar patch.

Not all, but some. Some is enough to kill the game xD

No it wasnt, September 19th 2017 is when moth meta appeared and then it ended a couple months after that.

…Oh. I think I got my times wrong… my bad :sweat_smile:

2 Likes - 9/19/2017

Resurrect (formerly Mercy’s Ultimate ability)

  • Ability now targets a single player, instead of every player within a radius.
  • Radius reduced to 5 meters.
  • Ability cooldown is 30 seconds.
  • Mercy is no longer granted invulnerability while Resurrect is active.

Valkyrie (New Ultimate Ability)

  • Valkyrie unleashes the full power of Mercy’s Valkyrie suit, enhancing her weapons and abilities for 20 seconds:
    • Caduceus Staff: Mercy’s healing and damage boost beams now affect all allies near the targeted teammate, and the staff’s effective range has been extended.
    • Caduceus Blaster: Now has infinite ammo and increased projectile speed.
    • Guardian Angel: Increased range and movement speed.
    • Resurrect: Cooldown is instantly reset when Valkyrie is activated and reduced to 10s after the initial cast.
    • Hover: Mercy gains the ability to fly freely, at increased movement speed.
    • Regeneration (Passive): No longer interrupted when Mercy takes damage.