Overwatch Scammed us with fake BP credits

I will be honest. I am dumb. I do not have the bets eye when it comes to things. All I know is gold means good, and Silver means it is fine. I am a younger person who can fall for stuff like this. To all the people who haven’t fallen for it, good for you. This is just me who has had this problem however, all my friends who bought the battlepass thought they were getting coins. What we do is instead of looking at the summary of the pass, we look through the actual items. Due to the fact that they have very small labels, we were unable to tell the difference.

Everyone telling the OP “hurr durr you should read supplemental material” is being an apologist.

If you were at a vending machine, and you saw a button labelled ‘Coca Cola’ with a picture of a Pepsi can over it, how the hell would you know what you were getting before you put money in?

On top of that, imagine if you had to go to the vending machine’s website to get the real answer of which cola it was.

Blizzard clearly did this banking that at least some people would be confused.

Listen blizzards monetisation strategy sucks but it isn’t a scam (by the strictest sense of the word) in the weeks running up to the s3 launch blizzard stated multiple times that you would only be awarded so called legacy coins in the BP, they where actually fairly communicative of this since they announced it.

It was certainly misleading and blizzard should be ashamed, but here’s a little secret everything that expects you to hand over cash is by necessity (capitalism yay!) Misleading and over promising to tempt you to hand it over. And you are naive if you think otherwise.

Of course they did that’s capitalism baby!

Everything that expects massive profits over promises and underdelivers even blizzard but this isn’t legally a scam as there was never an announcement to the contrary. As long as people accept this it will get worse and worse.

Our economic system allows and even encourages this, every industry even basic healthcare (at least in the us and soon to be in the UK as well) is plagued with this exact problem.
As long as people in power benefit from this it will never change.

It’s a scam.

But it’s a scam for not that smart people or impatient impulse buyers that can get suckered into purchasing worthless stuff that used to be free.

It’s as foolish as buying a BP and your reward is that you have to unlock everything premium you just bought.

I don’t give McDonald’s $10 dollars then go in the back to have the joy of making myself an egg McMuffin and other sides.

There’s better games, there’s better battle passes where you get quality free content. In those games you only get premium because ya having that great a time or killer content is worth it.

This game is a stingy cash grab since day 1.

But it’s like waking up to have the revelation that Only Fans is a cash grab scam.

It is, but it is on the consumer for giving money to worthless things you have no true ownership over.

The cosmetics are weaker and lazier with instances of reused assets (Mime Moira)

By now you should know with Blizzard, you get what ya paid for. Hollow inferior overpriced junk

So… you started playing when you were 8?

Either way… the icon was certainly misleading but anyone who paid attention knew the coins in the battle pass were useless for us veteran players still.

They said what it was. You didn’t know and read so that’s mostly on you. What I will say though is they knew what they were doing and I agree its super scummy they ever had it be gold. But again you could’ve read what it actually was.

Fine print and dark patterns are scummy. Making UI/UX look roughly the same, not explaining things verbosely, etc. How many will make these mistakes? They’re counting on it.

Fine print implies it was hidden in some way. They very clearly advertised it correctly, they very clearly state it directly in the sale, and they have been very clear every single step of the way what the credits are.

You basically have to be almost willfully ignorant to have missed what the credits are and it is not the job of Blizzard to try and babysit the people who think pants go on the head.

Are you refering to the bundled sales they had to revert because it was illegal?

No I am referring to the people you bribe at work to keep your job. My accusation has just as much evidence as yours does so do we assume mine is true as well especially considering the bundled sales still exist and they only ever made 1 pointless change to them (letting you buy the skin individually for the same price as the bundle).


While I wish I could agree with you, this is false. It was a visual bug. Even before then, it never gave you actual gold credits. Please do your research first.

I know this isn’t technically illegal, but you can’t deny that it was pretty scummy to do that. As casual players, we don’t read the fine print. Furthermore, Overwatch’s whole economy relies on impulse buyers as seen in the battle passes and pack shops. This is also shown bu getting rid of the FREE loot crates.

Comrade, this is from March 2023

That said, I do read the fine print and I’m a casual; screw being blindsided.

I won’t support scummy tactics, but I won’t support people refusing to do their due diligence either.