Overwatch revenue down 15%, 39% from start of the year!

Why doesnt this trigger alarm bells in activisions office (assuming theres someone left, considering they fired a bunch of people) ?!
why cant we get a decent content?
why let the game just die?

" Overwatch and Hearthstone still face declines despite new content updates. Both titles saw a sequential bump in total digital revenue following new content releases, but still declined 15% and 37% year-over-year, respectively. On a combined basis, Overwatch and Hearthstone digital revenue across all platforms is down 39% year-to-date compared to the same time period in 2018."


Because they intend to have OWL be the long term revenue stream. Boxes and game sales aren’t sustainable numbers no matter how much content you pump into them given the current model, and changing that model is honestly worse.


This doesn’t surprise me at all when i see stupid balance decision like nerfing torb and leaving snipers wreak havoc freely…


It’s almost as if dumping all your resources into esports at the expense of the average player is financially unsustainable! :open_mouth:


Old game is getting older. Were you expecting revenue to increase?

This only includes digital revenue as well, gear store/merch is doing really well. While there isn’t really much new to spend money on in game.


Based on some of these comments, I strongly recommend that you all look up what revenue is. It’s very different from profits, especially when they’re specifying a particular revenue channel.


Sometimes I feel like companies that pull this kind of strategy are no better than the weirdos with their get-rich-quick schemes.

“Instead of making a new game to make money, what if we try to make other people playing it a lot make us money?!”

If they had just focused on developing a new game or doubled down hard on paid OW content they wouldn’t be looking over the edge of a cliff right now.


Which doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen unless they manage to turn things around, given how higher ups are leaving because the people running OWL are so out of touch.


They just chucked a whole bunch of money at the ESports development team, as well as OW and Hearthstone development.

These are both titles where initial development finished two (or more) years ago, and OW isn’t really offering anything new to buy digitally, in game; particularly for those of us who’ve been around a while and don’t need/want anything from boxes anymore.

The franchise also has a massive line in physical merchandising.

I’d be much, much more worried for HS as that is all digital revenue, with frequent additional content to spend money on. OTOH Hearthstone also costs basically nothing to run.

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The 39% figure is very deceptive.


It seems like a losing cycle of thought going on at Blizz:

The game proper is making less money…
Solution: Invest less money into expanding the game…
Result: The game makes even less money due to player disappointment…
Solution: Invest less money into expanding the game…

It feels like they’re no longer willing to put development dollars in beyond the basic maintenance level need for balancing, hero releases and administering the existing events. If that’s the case it’s a plan for a slow draining of the game’s potential and player base because it doesn’t include anything that’d motivate the people who’ve left to return, let alone bring in people that’ve held off playing OW all these years.

Doesn’t Blizz still even have it in them to do something like a true expansion for Overwatch?


Not really, Most people just don’t have anything to buy anymore.

If you play alot you most likely have 30K+ coins and most of the good skins by now. Like I have 45K coins what the heck am I going to spend money on


B-but but but new skins for a first person shooters! So exciting!!!

But but but new payload maps with nothing but choke points!!


I would agree that Overwatch is an old game. I’m sure things will go back up once Blizzard releases more games including mobile based games. Like it or not, but Blizzard needs to get with the times in order to survive.

Uh… having layoffs and CEO bounce wasn’t a triggered alarm bell?

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Old game is getting older. Were you expecting revenue to increase?

Path of Exile made a video on proving this very point invalid.


If they are successful, yes. I mean activsions cash cow king still is brining in the big buck but how much of their revenue still comes from candy crush compared to their new titles? And even that game obviously declined a few 100% since its peak in terms of profits. Since the game is old. Also who is to say any of blizzards mobile games even come close to those figures? And since they are in their own words “pulling resources” to get these games together, one would expect them not to be super cheap. Mobile market is profitable, but you aslo have to look at the amount of content out there, hint is several times bigger than the PC market that blizzard a few years back easily could have claimed they “owned” 50% of as 50% of all the PC gamers in the world were likely to pick up the latest blizzard product, now, not so much. 1% of the mobile market might mean more revenue than 50% of the PC market but who is to say they’ll even get 0.00000001% of the market?

So what lines has OW added to increase digital revenue?

if OWL would be such a success it would make new players picking it up and buy it.

the only new things we have are smurfs and alt accounts…

my friends all left because of the bad state of ranked… the devs refuse to make ranked better so i doubt we see more people coming back or even buying it.

OWL is nice to have but does not make any sense since its so far away from players experience on ranked games.


This is the expected sales graph decline for any game entering its third year.

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