Overwatch lost its identity

I know they were going to fiddle with it. I only hope it’s enough to be taken seriously


If blizzard stays the same it will become the worse ult in the game. It’s hard enough getting value with things like bubble and hyper mobility in the game right now with being able to stack M1, without it you’ll literally just be solo ulting.

It is higher.

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Idk, but some of the changes were actually complaints from people in the past, if I recall.

People used to rely too heavily on shields and now have to use them in more careful manners (somewhat) and start to use natural cover.

I actually prefer Valk over Mass Rez lol… killing a whole team just for them to come back in is pretty crappy if you’re the opponent, and I think Valk is implemented well.

Disposable armor as a regular ability had to go lol, Brigette and Torb benefited much more from fights with those abilities IMO. Rally is cool for an ult, and Torb’s overheat ability is decent since it only lasts for some time and then reverts to normal

People hate hack too, but if they take that away from Sombra she’ll def need a rework.

And I’m all for DF becoming more than a niche pick one day lol

I don’t mind the changes too much, outside of the loss of 1 tank in the near future.

It’ll be definitely harder to use it during a match. Zoning is one main method I see people use it in or during a push on payload. Making an area around the objective a danger zone is one of the best ways to use Blizzard in my opinion.

Honestly overwatch fell on release with it identity from a core gameplay perspective, they pitched the idea that play will have switch character and told in order to overcome obstacles but yet everything about the game makes switching mid game a terrible idea


My take on why it’s lost it’s magic:
Not teaching the community how to play the game, steer the community and very slow patching in the first 3-4 years

Tank is till this day the most underdeveloped role in this game. Blizzard never really steered the community and they let the community run with the game.
In other games it can work, because the audience is very focused, Overwatch on the other hand is very heterogen with many different ideas.


The only part I can agree with is hitscans/burst always feeling too dominant these days. Most of your other points feel like a good direction. I don’t want an Overwatch where barriers and sustain rule and the game is painfully slow and nothing dies. Thats what Total Mayhem is for.

The heroes who are designed to screw over tanks are being reworked for OW2? Good. I think a rework for Sombra/Mei is in the best interest for both them and tank players in OW2. I’m worried that just the extra freeze damage won’t be enough for Mei, but I’m sure all those details are subject to change.

Bap is barely any different from launch. Do you miss Immortality lasting 8 seconds or something?

i wish it was the OWL to blame for this.

the problem stims from the lower ranked players that…make these kinds of posts. early in overwatches life, it was filled with some weird and crazy heroes. but the thing is low elo players love to complain. so theyd nerf things under the guise of “pick rates and statistics”

for instance genji right now is largely the same as he was during season 1, the only real difference these people would notice are the lack of triple jump, the animation cancel combo (that only high elo people even used) and the shorter duration of dragon blade. his weapon does the same dmg, and while the spread on his alt fire was changed most players wouldnt of noticed. yet genji is considered to be one of the weakest dps in the game by anyone above plat. genji is a time capsule of overwatch, he was nerfed at a time when zen boosted dmg by 50% then never buffed to make up for it because people love to complain.

pharah got several nerfs in a similar manor, such as her splash dmg being nerfed or her jet fuel being nerfed. nerfs that largely didnt make sense because she was brain dead easy to kill.

years of this has put blizzard in a tough spot. on top of all of the weird nerfs they also created heroes like brig, and even over tuned heroes like mei/mccree (mei got several buffs over the years) all too try and balance things and failing.

in the eyes of people, a hitscan being strong isnt near as bad as u can dodge there bullets. the only reason ppl complain about widow or mccree is because they can one shot you, different ways to do it mind you but they both can. no one complains about ashe now that she cant 1 tap with dmg boost.

people have complained about CC since launch (which is a valid complaint) and with the development of overwatch 2 they finally have an incentive too reduce it. and probably rework heroes like tracer/doomfist so you dont need as much of it.

at the end of the day, blizzard has no idea what too do. years of nerfing dps and buffing tank/support; means that with the big 5v5 change they have to solve a problem that they created when you had 3 tanks.

an over abundance of CC with that CC being a key aspect of certain heroes identity.

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The root issue in OW is hypermobility; they refused to tone back Tracer in particular which leads to many, many issues in the game.


come on man, even THEY told us why tor bw as changed, his armor backs were either there when you were winning, or not there when you were losing

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PvE. Simple as that.

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I agree. I’m so glad I joined in Sept 2017, so I had the chance to enjoy the best time of it (2016 I sadly missed out on).

I loved how Torb and Sym could work together and I liked playing Torb and supporting my teammates with armor packs, since I liked supporting my allies.

I admit Mercy with insta rez and 10 second cooldown was ridiculous, but when I was a new player vs hard bots (and they were crazy with oneshots from Roadhog bot and headshots from the Zenyatta bot), insta rezzing teammates and saving the fights was so satisfying back then and hilarious.

Off-topic: Funny enough, the bots have gotten completely bugged since Retribution 2018, plus they can no longer headshot, emote in spawn and say in chat they upvoted themselves: https://tinyurl.com/jhzbjjtb
I miss that compared to the boring “GG” from them every game.


Hard disagree here. Counter picking is how I win games, or force the enemy to swap off heroes giving my team troubles

OW was not marketed as a MOBA. It was marketed as a class-based, team-based FPS with Arena shooter trappings, all of which we got. As someone who made the mistake of getting Battleborn first, I can distinctly remember both the comparisons between that game and Overwatch, and the cacophany of people on both sides telling people not to compare them because they were completely different genres.

And as far as I can tell (I could be wrong here), it was never particularly marketed to “casual players”. They didn’t want to gate hard on aim and instead encourage other skills for other characters, but it’s always been relatively competitively-minded.


This is an exaggeration.
They sure are changing the game, but can’t you see they have plans for the future?
What I see is a polarization:

  • PvE is to cater to the Casual playerbase, with a Moba skill tree to enjoy.
  • PvP is to cater to the Competitive playerbase, trying to be more faithful to the fps elements to also highlight their league. :money_mouth_face:

So casuals are also in their mind for the future, just not that much in PvP, but definitely there will be a complete new PvE mode just for the casuals. How can you call that “abandoned”?


Should be nice when virtually any tank hero pick in Quickplay is viable.

Rather than the current “You picked two fun tanks, guess that means you lose by default”

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I agree that it’s lost its identity to become just another shooter.

But that’s the direction they want to go to look like everyone else in it’s esports shooter presentation.

But for the players that enjoy the new direction hope they have fun and get better content than we did in the future.

I have little to no interest in Overwatch 2 as my PvE of choice will be Diablo 2 re-master.

They are changing staff so no surprise the game is going to be a different. I’ll stop by to check.out if they kept any classic modes every now and then


I mean, it’s never going to be as much of a shooter as Apex Legends.

And absolutely not as much of a shooter as Valorant.

But yeah, it’s moving further away from Paladins, towards Apex.

That said, for the “casual RPG abilities player”, that’s what PVE will be for. Builds and ability spam to your hearts content.

To be fair, we’d reached a point where both Torb and Brig could give you armor with varying degrees of permanence, AND you could put Symm’s Shield Gen on top of that, AND at anytime you could have launched Sound Barrier on top of that, just in case you could’ve possibly needed anymore health.

For better or worse, Sym and Torb needed to lose those abilities for Brig to be balanced in her intended place, and they gained lots of extra versatility as a tradeoff. MOBA elements like that would’ve created a far more uninteresting playstyle than the current lean into FPS and somewhat more stratified roles.

I don’t get why its considered the most iconic part of Anas kit. It should be Nano.