Overwatch lost its identity

Seriously wtf is happening at blizzard? This game used to have a unique identity and now they are basically abandoning what they sold the game to us as. Overwatch was sold as a fps/moba hybrid that was appealing to a casual multiplayer community.

What is it now? Slowly but surely they are favoring the fps while eroding all the moba elements.

  • mercy lost mass res to be more shooty with a infinite pistol
  • for sym they ditched the cool moba elements of her ult to give her a basic shield while making her weapon more direct to be inline with a fps
  • torb losses armor packs and gets a weapon boost
  • d.va lost 4 second Dm taking away her defensive plays and given missles.
  • shields got gutted. Tanks get screwed as they make them fat dps to fit more in a fps system instead of a moba
  • orisa is basically having bunker ripped from her. Reins not going to be able to block crap but hey atleast he gets 3 fire strikes /s
  • mei is losing freeze
  • sombras hack is looking to get butchered
  • Doomfist rework on the horizon.

But how is the fps?

  • Hitscan is dominating but they won’t touch them in any significant way even if they are more imbalanced than the moba heroes blizzard slaughtered.
  • support Ana the fps support gets to keep her cc because “iconic”
  • Baptiste has been moved away from his moba elements to also be more shooty.

Some of these changes needed to happen but it’s very obvious the direction they are forcing the game. And we are seeing it homogenized.

How about us casual gamers? Nope they abandoned us too. They admitted to taking resources from the game to chase the league. They have also abandoned balancing for us in favor a league thats games are nothing like our own. Balance quality has been absolutely terrible for the community. But they pat themselves on the back because it’s okay for their favorite heroes in the league.

And what do they do when they aren’t focusing on the league? They will work on creating every feature under the sun instead of improving the experience that initially pulled us in. Lfg which is dead, endorsements that mean nothing, the creation system which is about the only thing that’s alright, and the flex system that didn’t accomplish anything. Finally we are getting a expansion but I honestly can’t tell if we are going forward or backwards between the a quarter of the modes being removed and replaced, the destruction of the tank role and select heroes.

How far is this going to go? Blizzard is this still Overwatch or is this now diet valorant we are making now? Their willingness to disregard the community that supported them is astonishing


To be honest, i kind of agree

i feel like overwatch lost its magic and was streamlined into a more “normal” shooter, the conspiracy theorist in me kind of wants to blame OWL for this, but thats just a conspiracy

thats kind of why i dont really enjoy it as much anymore and ive been playing other games


I feel the same way. What I loved about this game was the blend of fps/moba elements together. It was a completely new experience in a way ive never seen games do it before. It was a fun mix of mechanical skill vs strategy. Now it’s just being taken out


I wonder how OW3 will be… no more healing and shields?


I agree. I’ve just lost interest in overwatch. Not anything I want anymore.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this rate.


I agree.

I noticed this sort of thing with DotA too. DotA classic has summoners and siegers but then I watched these archetypes fade away in the copy cat games that followed as every hero seemed to end up being some variation of SA.


It honestly is so frustrating. Like I love overwatch, but it’s like they are doing everything possible to push me away.


It seems some people want the game to be as predictable and samey as possible and I toss role queue in with that. The path back towards every hero being soldier. I kinda spread the blame across the board for this, but is it really wanted by the majority? I guess so far the responses in this thread suggest people prefer variety and creativity in hero design.

Perhaps this is the age old battle of order vs chaos? I am a being of chaos so my choice here is clear.


Pretty much every change you listed is a positive


Welp, nothing just wait for them to add new mode “plant the bomb” and stuff.
Yea, game turns away from what it was, and now i just look at it as another collect all game rather than actual game to play for some more.


I see it as the opposite- a return to it’s roots, with no pretenses of keeping around failed experiments. The game was always a shooter+RPG elements. I don’t see anything remotely mobaesque.


It’s easy to think that when you align more on the fps side. For moba players it’s mostly negative.


You don’t speak for everyone. I’ve played more Mobas than most. DotA 1 way back in Warcraft 3 TFT, League of legends in beta & for years after, Heroes of Newerth, DotA 2 in beta & years after, Heroes of the storm, Smite, I’ve played most Mobas.

I don’t align with either “side.” But pretty much every thing you mentioned is a positive in my eyes

I’m not going to get into this argument with you again, because we’ve had it multiple times. But I find it very hard to believe you don’t have a fps bias based on your selections and previous conversations


I don’t know what this means. I play every hero in Overwatch. Tank, dps, support, hitscan, projectile, beam, you name it. I think maybe you’re assuming a bit too much

How can I “align more with fps” if Brig & Mercy are my favorite supports, Sym is one of my favorite DPS, and I love every tank most of which aren’t FPS centric? :laughing:

You have a “if you aren’t with me, you’re against me” mentality


How is she more shooty? Her weapon hasn’t changed.

Turned the game into hide and seek. Was stupid.

You can thank brig for that. She was so broken blizz had to rework Torb cause they too dumb to hard nerf her.

The community asked for this. Everyone hated shooting at shields forever.

Lol good

Also good. They’re getting rid of cheese. That’s a good thing for people who actually like games where skill = value.

No its not. I suggest you take a look at overbuff. Dps role is actually pretty versatile right now and junk rat is top tier.

Wow. Just because the game is moving in a direction that’s favors skill over cheese doesn’t mean they’re abandoning casual players. You literally have an entire pve mode coming out, arcade games and casual play is going nowhere. If you’re seriously that upset over them taking away handicaps so bad players feel good, go back to wow where they throw free rewards at your for doing nothing. It’s not even like they’re turning the game into tracer widow only, there’s still gonna be plenty of easy to play accessible heroes, just less garbage that drives people away from the game like hack and Mei freeze.


I’m not playing this game with you again for the hundredth time. What you are saying vs your playtimes, and comment history tells 2 very different stories. I’m not responding anymore.


You see, the issue is you just look at my quickplay playtime and make an assumption, even though that’s a mode I barely play anymore. In total I have 1580 hours played, only 328 are quickplay… 1186 are competitive. Now, I know you’re not going to respond, but I took the liberty of snipping my playtimes for the past 14 or so seasons just to show you how wrong you are


I play everyone, like I said. Just because I disagree with you doesn’t make me some “hitscan/FPS advocate” when most of my hours are actually on non-hitscan heroes

Perhaps this will teach you to speak with people and discuss their ideas/opinions rather than check their quickplay playtime and make assumptions based on that

Just because you don’t like my opinion doesn’t mean I’m on some “side”


Maybe they’ll add payload race & remove the time limit from CTF :smirk: