Overwatch League Rewards Guide - UPDATE on YouTube Platform Rewards Incentives

Got everything thank you guys

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Same here, got everything now! :grinning:

Same here. Got everything! Thanks Blizzard <3

I still not receive the tokens, player icon and sprays. Is that I will not be able to get it if I watched the game from overwatchleague.com? Thanks.

Yeah I’m in an eligible region

I do believe, you should have still earned the rewards as long as you were signed into OverwatchLeague.com. That being said, there is going to be no way to track or confirm this.

Finally got the Wrecking Ball spray. :slight_smile:

I am sure I was signed in, and OverwatchLeague webpage also wanted to linked the account again before the grand finals. League Picks could show me I was watching before Zedd’s performance. I think I will just wait, but I don’t think I will get any sprays and tokens…

Still not dropping sprays for me.

What if we watched directly from the overwatch league webite and not through twitch but still didn’t receive any rewards?

I have the same issue. I viewed the finals on Overwatchleague. com. My league picks challenge completion rewards went through and prove my account was properly linked. My league picks selections will show I was viewing during the finals and yet I did not receive any token, spray, or player icon rewards for time spent viewing.

closed your thread before i could reply that the issue was NOT resolved for me… thanks mods

To my knowledge, the rewards were also distributed who only signed into OverwatchLeague.com. I personally try to encourage players to only watch on twitch.tv/overwatchleague with a linked BattleNet account. The reasoning for this is because there is clear evidence of when you get rewards through Twitch’s notification system (something you don’t have otherwise). You might try signing onto twitch.tv and link your Battle Net account and see if that triggers them, but at this point, it is far too late to do anything else about this otherwise.

@wyomingmyst Yeah my twitch account is already linked as well. I tend to watch directly on overwatchleague. com in order to cut out the middle man to avoid issues like this.

I’ve only seen information from Blizzard regarding this issue for players who viewed the finals on twitch. Have you seen any information directly from Blizzard regarding this issue for players who viewed directly from their own website?

It’s pretty frustrating that customer support just sends me to the forums and then when I go to the forums the issue is solved for some players and swept under the rug for others. Doesn’t feel like there is any real avenue of recourse or that they value player’s issues unless its affecting a large population.

Okay if you did already have it linked, please right now go to twitch.tv/overwatchleague. Wait for a couple of minutes and tell me if any notifications pop up.

I did that. Nothing new popped up. The latest notification is that I received the Overwatch Bastion Promo 2019 Player icons and sprays from the Brick Bastion event

From the news, they mention users can participate from overwatchleague.com and from the app. If this is not the truth, then they should not write that.

Technically yes it should work, and it did work for many players (I have confirmed that many players watching OverwatchLeague.com did received their 2019 Grand FInal Sprays). As a player and a Forum MVP (remember, I don’t rep Blizzard), I don’t recommend trying to get Overwatch League rewards (especially one-time opportunity rewards) through the platforms like OverwatchLeague.com (and formally MLG.com) because the lack of notifications on those platforms.

It should have worked but it didn’t. Sure, this issue didn’t effect everyone and some people did receive their rewards, but what about those of us that didn’t? Except for people who were viewing on Twitch, I personally have not found a single person say that Blizzard has successfully resolved this issue for for them. So twitch viewers get their rewards after Blizzard messed up and everyone else who watched the Grand Finals through Blizzard’s own website and app get nothing?

The end result of my first OWL Grand Finals experience:
No rewards, no response, no avenue of recourse.

Don’t watch Overwatch League on OverwatchLeague. com.

I logged in after your announcement, I checked the inventory, now everything is there, had no time to check ingame yet, but I guess everything will be fine. Thank you for fixing this!