Overwatch League Rewards Guide - UPDATE on YouTube Platform Rewards Incentives

Probably something else. But if you have tried watching for more than an hour on a different device, then I am going to assume there is an account issue. I know you said that you have double-checked to make sure you have your Blizzard and Twitch accounts linked, but have you tried to unlink the accounts and then relink them? Any account changes such as changing your BattleTag will cause drops for that account to stop working until the accounts are properly re-synced with all correct information.

I’ve unlinked and relinked now. Unfortunately the stream is offline now so I guess I’ll check later.

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I’ve been able to get the normal token drops, but it seems like my answers on the owl website aren’t counting towards challenges. Any reason this might be? The twitch plugin doesn’t work at all for me either.

What country do you live in. I would note the OWL League Picks extension on twitch is disabled at this time.

Canada, not in quebec.

Okay, please report any more details you have in my dedicated thread here:

Anyone else have their tokens from the pick system stay on Prize Pending? Had my tokens from making my 1st pick and 1st correct stay on this since Thursday, but my tokens from 5 and 10 where claimed right away.

Hi, i made my picks and all that and got some correct answers but i am not earning anything on the challenges. My blizzard account is registered as US

the symmetra emotes are so cute omg

You’re lucky, I’m supposed to “claim” the reward and it tells me : “Error claiming reward”.
0 token after “Make a pick”, 0 token after “Get 1 pick correct”, I’m not even sure my first 3 or 4 good picks have been recorded on this buggy app (windows 7, chrome)…
Or it tells “Prize claimed”… okay…but connecting to the game I just have the few usual ones.

I sponsored my friend a pass who didn’t has the pay method like a credit card but loves overwatch.

I wouldn’t give it to a stranger… :sweat_smile:

Hey everyone, please remember to report these specific errors in this bug report forum thread:

Got 4 correct answers but my challenges were never completed. Now it’s not even available anymore on the official website.

Hey everyone, I am aware that League Picks is disabled entirely this morning. I will keep an eye on it, but for right now there is not much that can be done about that.

UPDATE, it is officially offline.

Hi, I’ve watch OWL on twitch for an hour yesterday and wasn’t afk but my twitch constantly went to sleep (yellow square showing afk). So I haven’t been getting my tokens. Any help?

The Twitch online status going idle usually isn’t a factor. Have you double checked my troubleshooting checklist above in the starting post yet?

For sure its not think it will be alot better with the locked 2-2-2. The game is kinda getting back with alot of streamers returning because of the locked 2-2-2, and shroud is playing ow aswell so think the attention is good for the owl.

Where are the grey owl skins at I been waiting to get some of the ones im missing or even last years ones that i missed out on the owl season is almost done and no word or anything like last year just some bull crap twitch emotes that no one cares for. we know you guys still have them cuz i seen today sigmas new one of it. does any body know or who to ask.

Simply put there are no active promotions for they grey skins at this time. If things change, believe me this thread will detail it.

thats cool yea been waiting and long time to get more or even ones i may have missed.thanks for the info