Overwatch isn't fun

Fair enough. I just wish the game had more features about group play and not like a good luck find your own set of people. But fair enough and good luck in climbing

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Well played, Plat (your username, not rank shaming)

Having social features would be nice. I used to play a free-to-play game called robocraft. Dispite it being pay-to-win (I hear they removed the loot boxes and brought back a tech tree) they had a clan system, which I can respect.

If overwatch had that, we would be golden.

Good luck to you too.

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I think the game is a lot of fun when played with team based players.
But here lies the problem.
The dumbest comp system I have ever seen, it actually promotes selfishness over what is the core of the game and makes it fun.

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Cosmetics are the last things I want. If the problems I listed were fixed, I wouldn’t play anything else.


well I want interchangeable hats.

Good thing opinions don’t carry weight. Have fun not playing Overwatch while I have fun playing it.

Thanks for your contribution to the discussion.

Yes. I want interchangeable hats and cosmetics that develop the hero’s character when they wear them.
Widowmaker’s French Maid headdress when
With a voiceline related to spring cleaning when she gets killstreaks.

Overwatch is a lot of things, but it is not generic. And it has tons of personality and charm. That’s why I love it so much even with its many… many flaws