Overwatch isn't fun

Overwatch could be a lot of fun. I really want to enjoy it.

A team based game with a diverse selection of heros to choose from where you can switch mid game to adapt to and counter the current state of the match. When I discovered this I really wanted to play. So did a group of my friends and we had a lot of fun for a little while.

Then my friends moved on to other things and I stayed around solo queuing. That is were the ‘not fun’ comes in.

At lower SR, nobody and I mean NOBODY in solo queue wants to work as a team. All just a bunch of insta lock dps-trickle-in-never-group-feed-the-enemy players who blame everybody else for the loss. You might think I just described quick play, and yes it applies there too. But I was talking about competitive too.

I don’t want to win every game (that would be incredibly naive), I just want good team games - win or loose. Lots of action with minimal trolls, no baby rage and decent team comps. That is not an unreasonable expectation.

So until Blizzard gets serious about implementing a team building / LFG feature that empowers like minded players to build a team and then queue, I’ll be taking an indefinite break from Overwatch. I check the forums, reddit, twitter, etc for news to see if anything positive will be coming, but other than that - I am just not playing the game because it is ‘not fun’ and I have actively encouraged other gamers who I know like team based games to avoid Overwatch until it gets fixed.


dont play comp

I have fun when I play the game. Maybe I am the only one left on the forums who will freely admit that though.

The game has a ton of problems (especially with balance), but that does not mean I am not having fun when I play. I love this game.

I enjoy playing Overwatch, but I don’t have fun playing it.
That’s the whole kicker of this thread. Fun is different for everyone, and I enjoy Dwarf Fortress kind of fun immensely.
However, anti-fun design choices that produce frustration in a supposedly super-accessible and user-friendly game - that’s not fun and it makes me mad.
Mad enough to post on forums about it.

What’s holding Overwatch back is how dependent the game is on teamplay and working together, when the audience it appeals to is very much used to games that reward you for skilled solo-play. The very concept of needing to work with a team, as a cohesive whole, is adverse to these types of people, and only a select few either actually understand it, or are skilled enough to force solo-play to work.

In-game LFG and clans would go a long way. Maybe I can convince my Discord clan to branch out to Overwatch if Blizz does implement clans.

It means as a business they aren’t really spending money on anything ground breaking and just re skinning models with different themes. Someone can make a ton of money and invest it properly and stay a float.

Heroes should have more advanced techniques that will give the user a distinct advantage. So the more you practice, you will improve these kill combos, rocket jumps, etc…

this would provide an incentive to learn your few favourite heroes to the fullest.

It’s almost the same as if you would grab First-Person Shooter, a successful mechanic that a lot of popular titles have, grab Ability-Based Gameplay from MOBAs, carelessly mash them together, slap sexy characters and sexy lore onto it and have that project over 35 million copies sold with no sings of slowing down two years down the road.

Blizzard, if you’re listening.
Overwatch Battle Royale.
Come on.

Rocketjumping is dead, and Pharah killed it.

But soldier kills pharah

Soldier: 76 is a mistake.

Mistake is an owl player

Owls aren’t even musical instruments or games.
If you’re trying to play an owl, PETA would like to have a word with you.

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This is true of everything ever. Every video game, every movie, every TV show, every hobby, every activity. If you do it too much, you WILL get tired of it, and it will feel stale. This is human nature. Let it run its course.

I think overwatch just needs to fail as a whole. Why have a game that glorifies team play but does not have clans? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

Hey guys you have to cooperate as a team but we do not give you any team building devices sooooo have fun.

Rocket jumping is dead because pharah killed it, Soldier 76 Kills pharah, soldier 76 is a mistake, mistake is an owl player…

Therefore mistake plays owls.

Having a social life is a good team building tool. Works well for me.

You’re a big guy.
Do you think reading a big guy book on logic would be something you can do?
Pharah killed rocketjumping because how dumbed down and “streamlined” it is now. It has nothing to do with 76.

I always thought responding to social cues appropriately is an integral part of having one. Do you bring up 76 countering Pharah at funerals too?

I love this game, people who quit in droves are mostly butthurt players who aren’t getting what they want the very moment they ask for it.

See > Every time a new hero is released and isn’t immediately nerfed

But I digress. Overwatch is still relatively new for the type of game it is. We do have skins that are unavailable, Widow’s Noire and the Blizzcon skins, plus the promotional skins like Pink Mercy and that one other skin Widow got. New maps are coming out fairly regularly, and each one has to be played differently for a maximum experience. All of the variables you want are already in this game.

That being said…

If you’re not interested in a game, you have no obligation to play it. If it’s in your library, it’ll be around for you to come back to. Not playing a game doesn’t have to be some huge production. I’ve loaded hundreds of hours into the Borderlands, AC, TF2, 7DTD, KH, and dozens of other franchises over the years, but when I don’t feel like playing those games I don’t have to go through some dramatic essay on why. Yeah, those games are fun, and so is Overwatch. But just because I’m playing one game instead of another doesn’t mean anything deeper than "I don’t feel like playing [game] right now."

Found the guy who thinks he knows peoples life story lul. Nah I have plenty of socializing with work/college

Sorry about that. To put it differently: I often play with people I know in person. I find it works out well as you are playing with people who you know you work well enough with.

Nice player icon by the way, you have good taste.