Overwatch isn't fun

Is the common theme among everyone who says they quit Overwatch.
The game gets stale the more you play it. The initial wow factor from all the bright colors and sharp visuals wears off, and you’re left with an incredibly bright generic class-based shooter.

Let’s brainstorm this right here, right now!
What can we do to make Overwatch more appealing to veterans so that they stay instead of moving on?
Personally, I wouldn’t mind a more aggressive cosmetics system. Where some stuff is genuinely unavailable, and I don’t mean the “oh you can’t buy it outside of this event”. The long meta-game of achievements or items that stick with you has proven to retain players, whether it’s a shady cash-grab pay-to-win mobile freemium, or the founding father of this whole model, the original Hat Fortress.
I’m interested in hearing what other people have to say about this. After all, a videogame that keeps bringing people or friends together over and over and over again is a masterpiece.
I boot up Pants on Fire: The Collect 'em All and what is it that I think? “Man, this was my childhood. This is not a perfect a game by all means, but this was THE game when I was small. Oh, hey, my hats are still there. Each of them has a story.”
I boot up Overwatch and… I don’t feel anything of the like. This here’s a dude. He has a skin. He cares about the game, I guess, but that skin isn’t anything special. Oh, this one has a golden gun. I guess he really cares about the playstyle of that hero. I can probably get all of these if I care just a bit more than I care right now, but do I want to care? Not really.
Sure, those games of yesteryear weren’t the most polished, bug-free, refined, accessible experience. But no amount of rough edges or flaws can suppress the glowing core of charisma, personality or soul. And no amount of polish, refining or reflective lacquer will be able to fake that warmth of a videogame that has to come from within.


Oof that big wall of text.

Anyways if you want a genuinely enjoyable class-based FPS, go play Team Fortress 2.

10 years of balancing has left that game in quite a stable position.


I do play Team Fortress 2 still, though.
It’s an excellent game.
A timeless classic, if you will.


I personally have fun NOT playing ranked and just doing stupid things in QP like Battle Mercy and overly aggressive DPS Moira. Don’t forget the attack Torb!
I only do this with groups of my IRL friends, don’t worry about me harming other people’s experiences lol


I wish I had friends.

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For me, what overwatch really lacks is the feeling of getting out what you put in. It’s balanced way too heavily in favour of team results over personal performance for the average solo queuer.


We all need a full reset on competitive. We need a refresher on competitive rewards, what about diamond weapons?


I wouldn’t mind a complete, ground-up overhaul of pretty much every system in Overwatchh

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All I read was

And I couldn’t stop laughing

Scorching Flames is my favorite unusual effect.

I find OW fun. I say more - now it’s more fun than ever. DF WREEEECKS!


Be ready to defend Doomfist when he eventually gets looked at.

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The thing that’s pushing me away is that the easier heroes are waay more impactful than the harder heroes at all levels of play. Ideally, If I put 10 hours of practice time into Ana, I should be outperforming Mercy by a lot. But I’m not.

Then they introduce easy to play heroes who are now hard counters to the harder heroes, so now it’s like, what’s the point of putting hours of practice into a difficult hero when I’m just going to get constantly stopped by a hero who takes 30 minutes to master?


Ana already outperforms Mercy out of the box because she doesn’t die to a random sneeze from an attacker, or better yet, an actual dive.


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Doesn’t die as hard, that is.

Vivid Plasma is my personal favorite

I’m having a total blast as Doomfist this season!

Yea, A timeless game that has even worse matchmaking and competitive system than this game. Tons of bugs and hackers, its completely filled with hackers and all you can do is just do is to out play them, which the chances are slim. The hacks aren’t even expensive to get and if you have money in hand, just get another copy of the hack and you can just do it again. Its a real bad game.

Plus none of the stuff is even balanced. Then you have engineer, you can’t win unless you have a Heavy, its basically fighting fire with fire. Spy is filled with bugs and hes like Genji, filled with tricks up his sleeves. And guess what, “can be easily killed by a pyromaniac that sees the world in rainbows” and only good players can counter that.

In which Overwatch, and you are playing Genji, you don’t die instantly when you see your counter, you have a fair amount of chance into countering them before you die. For example, if you are playing pharah and there is a 76. You can still use your prediction to hit 2-3 shots to kill the 76. TF2 is highly noob unfriendly and only favours players with lots of experience.

Have I mentioned that you must use scripts to do good? Otherwise you struggle with a lot of stuff. And you have to take a wild guess on which set of gear the enemy is using?

Opps, that was a little overkill :stuck_out_tongue:

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Please tell me this is a troll post…

No? Ok. Let me explain something: Mercy has THE BEST MOVEMENT ABILITY IN THE GAME, and one of the best self healing passives in the game as well. She can literally stay alive forever just off of those two abilities alone.

Ana has no movement abilities, and no self regen. Dive is her number one counter. She is in no way, shape or form better than Mercy, and that’s one of the biggest problems I have with the game.

It’s also focusing on the fall of Team Fortress 2 alone. You know, Team Fortress 2 wasn’t like this the moment it was included in Orange Box. Or when hats were released. Or when trading was introduced. Or even when it went F2P.

A regen that is disabled if you take damage. And good luck with your movement abilities if there’s noone nearby.

No, but she can take away yours. And your offensive abilities too. Nighty night.

Aim at the ground, press E. Good.

I haven’t seen anything countering anything when they’re asleep.