"OvErWaTcH iSnT dYiNg"

I just climbed diamond, at 1AM I got the “long queue time” 10 minutes to get a diamond game.

The next game we had a smurf doing placements and a low master, ennemies had 2 plat players. Feels so off.

I’m actually having super fun in-game. I feel like the community is less toxic than a year ago, the game is great, there’s a great pool of heroes and people generally learn to play more as a team each day.

I personally play lots of different heroes though, maybe that’s why some get burned out. Playing Genji 24/7 isn’t that fun.

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That game deserved to be ridiculed, I’m not sure Overwatch is even remotely comparable


well. blizzard is a corporation now. And a corporation thinks like one. What used to be blizzard was a company who loved their games and tried their best to improve it and support it.

Nowadays, people like that either left blizzard or are silenced by the majority of marketing advisers. they don’t care about the brand, the quality, or even the players. To them, overwatch is a game which was made into a full price game with little to no micro transactions in the game. So there’s not much to earn from keeping the playerbase happy. Money only comes from copies sold, and they already passed the point of massive sellings. Now, good or bad quality, the number of sold copies will decline regardless. Overwatch league on the other hand, is the perfect opportunity to gather attention. Find sponsors and investors. There’s money involved, advertising and a whole lot more. Which is why the main focus of the corporate is to take less time for the game and more for OWL.

It’s a strategic move. It might work. It might not. So far it did, so no one gives 2 cents about game leavers and gms being forced to play with diamonds due to lack of players or 10 minute ques. Because OWL is all that matters.

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And the fact that people are spending more time on forums and discord servers then in game says something… people are so bored of OW they come on the forums to talk about how bored they are of OW or they troll with bait threads

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I think at this point they may as well stop gating off different ranks past diamond.
They’re just going to lose more and more of their highly skilled playerbase to queue times and matchmaking.

Declining but not dying. People say WoW has been dying since the 2000’s but look how that’s gone.

When a game company is so damn smug, smug enough to spend a 45min panel that was designated as time for the devs to tell us about their plans for 2019. smug enough to rework heroes to the point people that mained them before cant anymore. smug enough to preach about playing the hero you love and saying not switching isnt a banable offence but still allowing people to get suspended/banned for it.

You kinda wanna see them fail on some level.


It is a bit like the devs are dong the ostrich stick head in sand approach.

Which is sad, this game could easily be fixed and become more popular again.

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I don’t mind people saying Overwatch is dying, I just think people need to realise that if it is, it doesn’t mean it can’t recover - people that claim its dying and people that claim it isn’t both need to realise this. Rainbow Six Siege was borderline dead for about a year following its release after an initial few weeks of hype. It was overhauled though and now its a pretty popular game and a fairly successful eSport.

The game certainly isn’t DEAD though, thats just objectively wrong. If you want a dead game look at the Steam Charts page for Strike Vector.

Agreed. OW isn’t completely done, but boy oh boy is the ship sinking fast. And to fix it, a literal miracle needs to happen. The devs have dug a hole so big, that the size of the hole alone is now making it bigger.

FUN FACT: Overwatch’s worse enemy is itself.

It’s so funny coming on here cause it’s the only place where people say the game is dying lol

Keep on dreaming about OWL bro

This is simply not true. If you compare the average view numbers on twitch for a month with the month from the year before, you get this:

Aug 17 23,427 -> Aug 18 31,052
Sep 17 23,258 -> Sep 18 28,585
Oct 17 19,612 -> Okt 18 21,763
Nov 17 30,965 -> Nov 18 31,012
Dez 17 24,094 -> Dez 18 22,705

You cant compare these numbers to feb or may 18, cause the OWL was running and it had big numbers. When OWL2019 starts, the twitch numbers will rise again.

Some streamers leaving the game, other streamers getting bigger. This is not concerning, not everyone can play the same game for 3 years. But for example in January, Overwatch had the most average streamers in the month ever.

Ive never had consistent long queue times. 99% Percent of the time my queue time is under 5 minutes and most often even under 2. And im not even in gold or plat either.

I would love more social media (or forum) interaction from the devs. Like a roadmap on what will happen the next time, or more lore. But for me this is not a real indicator that Overwatch is dying fast.

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Heartstone is rng based heavy.

So seeing your streamer going ham with his own Yog’ Sauron or getting absolute wrecked with his own Yog’ Sauron is hilarious.

Also Twitch has Heartstone viewer assistants feature built into the stream where viewers can see the card they clicked on in detail.

The Bison never got fully reverted…
The first Sandman was bs. It stuns through Uber ffs. Glad they remove it.

Now Valve has done questionable balancing decisions for all of their games. Dota 2 just has a patch where a PA just got buffed to God hood and CSGO got…

What did CSGO got for balance change again? Instead of a crappy BR mode, going F2P and Prime stuffs, nothing really stellar right?

Oh well, it took them a decade to fix the hitbox missmatching with the merc model in TF2 anyways. But hey, they only have 12-100 devs in the TF2 dev team that pushes out balancing patches once in the blue moon anyway.

Wow is dying since 2007 with all the WoW killer going F2P and it’s always here.

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I think they just playing Apex instead of making some changes to overwatch
LUL :man_factory_worker:


If anything if he’s still here it means he somewhat care and wish for some more contents

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every game slowly dies tho. new games always take populations away.
sooner or later even fortnite will die