⚠ Overwatch is About to Die

OWL is in a rocky place, sure, OW itself? Not so much.

Blizzard is pouring resources into Overwatch’s future as a franchise and the casual community is still quite high in number despite the content drought. With the surge of players and money OW2 should bring, it’s unlikely the game will “die” anytime soon.

A lot of Overwatch devs, Jeff included, used to work on WoW.

You know why BfA failed?

Kicking out their good community manager was one of the biggest reason.
Community manager gather community feedback, distill it down and send it to the devs. (oversimplified)

Kicking him because “we have too much support staff and on paper they are not necessary” was a stupid idea.
That’s why I’m glad to see more Jeff here

It will take a while for this game to die, but it’s definitely not in as good a state in any capacity as what it was in 2017 or early-mid 2018.

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“Heroes never die!” , so nope…

Honestly, just the difference between now, 3 months ago and 6 months ago is so utterly massive that I am not sure… like, it depends on when Overwatch 2 comes out and how that changes things.

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Subs dropped below one million Haha

Legion was masterclass mate.

That it was! And before it we had WoD, and after it, we had WoD 2.0. Getting something right and then making a u-turn back to mediocrity undoes the progress made in legion.

I’m still waiting for that day when Overwatch was supposed to die…

Can someone @ me whenever that happens?

I dont need to be a psychic or Baba Vanga’s children to tell that Ow is years away from dying.

If you’ve played a blizzard game long enough this is just how it works. Knock it out of the park, rest on your laurels for a few years, player base revolts, Blizz starts listening and makes some positive changes. Personally I’m freaking pumped for Shadowlands. Haven’t been this excited for wow content since wrath of lich King. That being said neither wow or overwatch were close to dead. Just in a down spot.

About to die? Nah
Dying? Yep. Check
Oh boy, another one crying wolf” deniers that pretend that everything is peachy like it is 2017 ? Check

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Look I have on and off played Champions Online since literally 2009… I have characters that date back to the first month of that game 11 years ago… its still going…

Tired of the definition of a “dead game” as one in which the kids at the bus stop aren’t talking about it over Capri Suns every day…

You could use that same logic for WoW for DPS queues.

LFR only 2 tanks needed, yet like 18 DPS, but the queue time is still like 1 hour…

Dungeon 1 tank, 1 support, 3 DPS taking me like 40-50 minutes…

but for Tank it’s instant, even support has a pretty long queue time for dungeons/raids.

I agree entirely. People are way to quick to write games off.

Need some cliffsnotes on what the WoW devs are actually doing because I don’t even know. Otherwise can’t really say yay or nay to them taking a page out of the other’s book. :confused:

They also majorly messed up the previous expansion, so…

Ever since Cataclysm the WoW devs seem to have gone into a never-ending cycle of: terrible xpac - great xpac.

not being dramatic just saying this game is pretty much gone. When they had to implement 2-2-2 they effectively took away the identity of the game and what they used to market to gamers as a game that has the ability to change on the fly and alter your roster when needed.

Long story short with the new Expac coming up they are listening to players feed back on test site for the game and making reasonable changes. Basically trying to get in good graces with the players before they make the same mistakes they always do.