⚠ Overwatch is About to Die

Can you just stop twisting around what I say in your favor, what’s wrong with you?
I understand your argument, that Overwatch should look at how Shadowlands developers are handling communication.
I just very much dislike how you created the clickbait thread title “OVERWATCH IS DYING”, which is Just a lie :confused:

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This right here! Somebody shove this in Kaplan’s twitter already! Communication is kind of an important thing these days and when the Tech Support is doing an infinitely better job at being a Community Manager than the actual Community Manager, something is not right.

If said Community Manager was fired/laid-off, well, then that obviously means it might benefit the situation to take a few of those precious minutes out of your day to stop by and say “hello.” Or really, give the fans some needed insight into what’s going on behind the scenes at the wannabe Area 51 that is Blizzard.


The what lands in what? Lol. It ain’t dying if half the thread don’t even know what you’re talking about.

It really do be feeling like Area 51 over there when the only insight we get are hints and clues coming up to the hero release, which is really cool and all, but general balance changes and such is needed.

Plus watching patch notes shows feels so engaging and enjoyable, preparing for upcoming changes, being able to chat with devs during Q&A. It feels like a more wholesome experience to play the game and to keep playing it. Came for the game, stayed for the genuinely amazing dev updates and hard work from them.

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I’m seeing a distinct lack of vines here, y’all…

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This week, WoW is killing Overwatch :rofl:

What’s weird is that it’s usually the corporate gaming companies that treat their fanbase like this. I can name plenty of indie companies that have top notch communication, some even on a daily basis.

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So disappointing, but honestly not surprising…

most games via blizzard wont die they will always have their niche player base. When someone says a game died they don’t mean shut down, they mean just most of the player base no longer plays, is active or gives a rats rear about updates. In other words “dead” in their mind and the term is technically right to be fair… overwatch started with a massive player base and while yes most games lose players over time that’s normal… the players from overwatch have been jumping ship like quickly… praise be 4 years… but for blizzard 4 years for a game barely means it’s been out.

At least from my personal experience blizzards player experience has gone down to almost nothing to make money quicker. But I’m usually not allowed to speak my opinion on the forums.

Overwatch (1) is dead and Blizzard doesn’t care because they made so much money.

Honestly these threads are like the ex saying, “You’ll be miserable without me!” as they pack up their things to move out into a smaller apartment. While the other person says, “Thanks,” and counts all the money.

Overwatch is nowhere near dead. Is it’s in a slow state right now, yes ofc, we are in the middle of a pandemic and the Overwatch team is currently focused on making the next game. This current game is not dead and it has a large player base still. Everyone always wants to say a game is dead as soon as a few people start leaving it to go play other games, but just because there are some people bored with it doesn’t mean other people are

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Your OP isn’t really constructive either lmao

You do realize the majority of the playerbase is casual, right? Most people don’t care for esports when it comes to Blizzard games


SL is in devplt, has a playable version, is near complete and almost has a release date. They communicate a lot to have feedbacks on new systems.

OW2 is fram from this situation.

The devs for WoW are in panic do-it-or-die mode. They’ve been messing up for over half a decade, and this is pretty much it for them: Get it right this time, or risk Final Fantasy 14 becoming a major threat.

BFA repeated many of the same mistakes they made in WoD and Legion respectfully. Don’t give the WoW devs credit until we have a finished product. As someone who gave WoW a good 10+ year run, this last xpac was a slap in the face, and bringing Holinka, The Destroyer, back on was an insult to injury during this cluster-faux of an expansion.

I don’t think OW is dead, at least not until we get to see what OW2 offers.

The best years are gone, that’s for sure…

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Are you really tryin to make a “WoW will kill Overwatch” thread :woozy_face:

This is not an argument.

The game wasn’t dead when people said it four years ago, it’s not dead now, nor is it “about to die”


This game just needs better balance

Its silly right? An MMORPG has no bearing on this game whatsoever. Perhaps they’re thinking about what happened between Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch, and that’s the basis of this logic?

There does exist a competition between the various studios under blizzard, and Heroes of the Storm lost to Overwatch in terms of having a future in development. When Overwatch became the flagship E-sport for Blizzard, the future of HoTS (which would’ve been a much better fit imo) was irreparably changed.

Also, /hug dis Taiga-tiger :3c

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I mean it only looks good after the fiasco that was beta for azeroth. WHat they did with BfA is basically how much communication and receptiveness of player feedback there was when Mercy was reworked.