Overwatch, I'm walking out of this abusive relationship

Thank WoW for the lack of shorts;
1 Team works on them, and BFA has around 10 within the first 20 minutes of gameplay (granted they’re around 1 - 2 minutes, but the quality they put into them does take lots of time.)

I feel it’s more like the hotel management filled the pool with raw sewage, and once every few months use a shovel to scoop a bit out but only from the kiddies pool, and Mercy mains are asking them to remove all the sewage and refill it with Jello. But maybe that’s just me.

What about comics, story blurbs, 2D animation, or even in-game lore? I can understand if resources are constrained and fully animated shorts take a lot of time and effort, but there are other ways to get information out there.


Dump that ho(s)e :face_with_monocle:

What big event are you talking about? I know we’re currently in the Summer event.

There’s gamescom and another event in South Korea. Starting on Wednesday. Overwatch said they will have some big content reveals for us during these 2 events.

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If you mean the forum audience, they shouldn’t listen to us that much.

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Wut 0_0

I feel the need to say, I’m entirely on your side here;
but where did you get 7 billion dollars?! Could you provide a source?

Grand Theft Auto V has made a little over 7 billion dollars, and it is officially declared as the most profitable form of media in history. And even then, only 1.2 billion of that profit was from the microtransactions, so I’m absolutely baffled where you heard 7 billion from lootboxes alone in Overwatch’s case.


Never ceases to amaze me how people can have their heads so far up Blizzard’s a-hole to not recognize the issues…

Comics, I can’t vouch for, same with Story Blurbs (depending on what you’re on about (heroes have them on the website)).

Again, 1 department for animation. 2D or 3D.

We can only have events, skins and some interactions for in-game lore.

Fortnite is a game aimed for kids and millenials mostly. Their content is very subpar that is why they release it so fast, they need to keep the kids attention. Blizzard is slow but makes good content.

Also to address your original post, the first two points are false, we get lots of information about the game and there have been many changes lately, how this escapes some people is unreal. As for the other points, thats more of a YOU problem than them, millions of people still play an enjoy the game plenty, me included, i think it’s even better than before for many reasons, including LFG, private profiles, endorsements, better balance, etc.

Well, most of the “issues” that are discussed are plain wrong or don’t exist at all. The only real issues are the lack of attention to lore and the repeated events, that’s it, those are valid complaints, other than that nah.

While I do agree some of the problems are community made and even though it pains me agree we are more like tenants these days since EUA’s are just long term rentals instead of the actual owning a copy like before…

BUT (haha), what do you think causes these problems in the community? Yes, some people are just turds, but it’s the environment they lease to us, that only they can fix.

It’s like needing your toilet fixed and a neighbor needing their toilet fixed, and they come along 2 month’s later and replace you windows, but fix your neighbors toilet… and your like ‘ummm there is poop everywhere and you replaced my windows?’ and your neighbor is like ‘well they fixed my toilet so I don’t care’, until the smell starts to reach your neighbors unit… then they care, and all you can say is I told them, the replaced my windows even though I told them it was my toilet, and then they came back 4 months later and gave me a new microwave.

90% of the stuff people whine about here are not Blizzard based issues.

People are just in the cult of “Not Muh Fault!!”. They still pitch stuff like forced 50% and feel blizzard is straight rigging their games. I mean really think about that, some gold right now thinks blizzard is “Keep them in gold!!”.
Same for balance issues, it’s not from a big picture point of view it’s the old joke about how Scissors says Rock is broken but Paper is fine.

Yes the patches are too slow, we know that. I also firmly believe the tinfoil hat theory that the game is balanced in ways that the balance team knows are busted at first, as it shakes up the game play for a while. Look at how much Briggite has had her cool down increases percentage wise. Clearly no excuse to be released like that on the player base.

other then that? It’s not blizzards fault a person is bad at the game and in the lower 65% that is gold and lower. Throwers, leavers? Community issues. Toxic players? Community issue. One tricks and just needing to avoid players in the first place? Hey look, more community issue.
Lack of understand of the win rate needed to climb? Community issue. Being unable to get that win rate? Player issue.
Thinking performance SR is why a person can’t rank up out of say silver, with a 40% win rate. Blizzard fault that the person is bad at understanding math?

We can blame blizzard for patch speed, patch balance and the lack of new content but that’s about it.

We all think we are better at playing and understanding the game then we really are at understanding and playing the game.

You can break it down in sub categories and dive into the game theory side of it a bit more. Yet in the end everyone thinks they are doing something right and the other guy is wrong. In real life it’s really easy to have your own BS exposed, not so much online.
Right? Like you might think you’re better at basketball then you really are but that bluff gets called right away. As you huff and puff running up and down the court it’s pretty clear that a few too many years and a bit too much pizza is limiting your current player abilities*.

*That may or may not be a true story.

Literally none of the “community issues” you listed is what drove me to stop playing.

The reasons that ARE blizzard’s fault is why I’ve quit.

Try again, brown nose.

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Lmao this made me laugh. Well done OP, great read :rofl: take my like…

Why would devs ever want to visit and reply to this toxic waste dump of a forum? They should do their job and explain any new content and features. Coming to the forums to engage with entitled children is a pointless endeavor. They have community managers aggregating relevant feedback, like they have for all of their games, and the devs should only communicate when there’s something to communicate.


No one cares, dude. Why are you still on these forums if you quit? “I quit the game but I’m still going to engage in arguments on the forums!” Makes no sense. Go do something else.

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