Overwatch has peaked and is in decline

I would edit that so you don’t get suspended.

I rarely agree with stuff on the forum but damn, you just have nailed it.

It is really a time for a wake up call for Blizzard, Activision or whoever.

The game could literally have 100 active players daily and Activision would still think there was nothing wrong.

While my queue times haven’t been as long, around a minute or two fortunately, it is still slower even when compared to other shooters that have been out much longer and probably have a much lower player count.

Agreed, it feels like development moves at a snail’s pace. It wouldn’t be as bad if Overwatch already had enough content but it is lacking when compared to other shooters. [quote=“Goodgame-11119, post:1, topic:276408”]
Every event it’s same old stuff with new skins and sprays. Oh

Both Halloween terror and winter holiday 2018 have been awful. For comparison, TF2’s Halloween 2018 had five new maps along with cosmetics.

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I have always found this to be suspicious reasoning. I think a lower population could hurt queue times, but only in extreme cases. Whether Overwatch is in decline or not, there is definitely enough people playing to give the queue system enough people to operate.

I believe a couple more believable theories are that people are largely imagining increased queue times. I’m not belittling anyone here, but it’s human nature to see what you want to see.

Another theory is that Blizzard has heard the complaints about poor match making and they have tightened up the restrictions on the matchmaker to try and make better games.

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This letter sums up what a lot are feeling towards Blizzard right now. I can’t paste because it does contain swears but its on reddit. (No I did not write this)

Gamers are an oppressed race

If they released the full game editor meaning the ability to edit heroes and their abilities as well as creating new maps or editing existing ones. I think that would help a huge amount in bringing new life into the game. And when I say editing heroes and their abilities I don’t mean the limited crap we have now in the custom games settings.

A post I made a while ago explains it best.

Right now I think they have the means to release the game editor at least the part for editing heroes and their abilities. The map editor part would probably have to be added on at a later date.

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an extremely dedicated fan made overwatch-style maps and gave tours with his own custom hero.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulbZMUXhBA4
https ://www.artstation.com/shuallorente

some of these maps basically looked done and he made up to nine. it is only just one person behind these projects.

if they have maybe a small team of people just as dedicated, maybe we would get more maps and heroes per year even if they had to go through testing.

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I wait 30 seconds at most, and I’m in one of the less populated tiers. I have no idea what your problem is with the matchmaker but your queue time is not normal.

Is OWL really doing well? Blizzard are charging 20 million for team franchises but its certain no one is seeing a return on investment yet. Its all based on the hope viewers come to future events, even then its outrageously wishful on their part. League has 30 times OWLs peak unique viewer numbers yet their NA franchise fees are half of OWL.

OWL seems rosy now and I can dig watching it but that’s only because there is money coming into the game. Let’s be real, the hype is forced, the scene is forced, Blizzard has convinced a lot of rich old media people to throw cash at OW and the investment will be fought for even if it makes little sense.


Not really. OWL was a hyper-agressive marketing concept whats backfired but still pushed. For entertaining its average, for learning, it could be good, but for marketing its a failure.

yeah, because one single purchase grants you access to all content in OW forever, and they will never charge any money for any exclusive content whatsoever.

… wait, no, nevermind

I think the queue times are highly, highly dependent upon what time of day and region. I am in EST, and of course mornings are the longest (and usually have the most toxic folks I notice, strangely). Later in the evening it’s quite fast, usually no more than 10-30 seconds unless you are a stack… solo queueing in QP or comp is pretty fast, in stacks its proportionately longer than say a year ago for sure.

Literally someone saying this every day since launch. It’s like saying the world will end tomorrow, until it does.

I see this exact thread on here practically daily. It’s been like that for a year now. My queue times are anywhere between instant-3 minutes for any game mode. Have been since launch.

Yes, when something is not the new shiny toy it’s trash right? Streamers aren’t all over it, fewer players so herp derp game is dying, dying I tell you, call the morgue quick! Too many people insist on playing something that is “hot”, ie. all their friends and fav streamers focus on it, or they lose interest. A lot of people play games simply because they like them… age doesn’t matter, nor does how popular it is…

I still play street fighter 3 third strike once in a while.

Must be the “cost cutting measures” Activision Blizzard keeps talking about, eh?

Good for you! Up until I picked up OW my favorite game was actually Champions Online, from 2009 and still going… you talk about a game that lives on despite looking like death warmed over… OW is doing incredibly well compared to 98% of the online games out there…