Overwatch developers hypocrisy

You mean highlighting the quotes that were hypocritical which is why the video is called, “Overwatch Developers Hypocrisy”… Also, how do you abuse quotes? I’m genuinely curious.


This thread is juicy, I wonder how long until the 404

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They claim to be against toxicity but haven’t introduced a way to opt out of endorsements. so you may have a point.

I’m placing my bets at another hour.

Or they may just ignore it just like how they ignored the multiple lockings of the mega thread for Mercy feedback. Who knows now…

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It is night. They don’t have a big night crew me thinks.

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Didn’t they already ban this video also saw who made this video went the other direction

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You’re right let me just fix my bet until tomorrow afternoon.

I mean you’re not wrong, a lot of my Mercy rework threads have lasted way longer if I leave them out at night rather then midday

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Learn to read? JK

Exactly, I am just going to quit this game and move to Destiny 2 PVP until some other fun shooter comes out. This game causes all of my frustration. I got my money’s worth.

Too many stuns.
Too much CC.
Too many zero-skill/super-reward heroes.
I don’t want any more maces to my face.
Too many idiots in competitive.
I’m done.

Looks like the devs care about their feelings more than the game if this is true.

Bill Gates knows his stuff Blizzard, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Suck it up.



I should get back into it. I have a two year old accoutn and im like level 13. I never really got into the meat of the game and its good to me imo.

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Yeah that honestly upset me. They reduced all the criticism to “defamatory content” because the maker of the video didn’t sugarcoat her words…


At this point, it’s not even right to sugarcoat criticism. If Blizad just takes all criticism only if it’s PG then literally nothing will get done. Being vocal is a great thing. Being forced to censor yourself if you want to be heard is a terrible thing.


They legit give players the option to filter profanity ig. Why are they so bent on sugarcoating to begin with? Or is it a community manager acting out.

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Blizz has admitted to only listening to streamers, so they already don’t care.


Which is why it’s time to rally together to finally become pro streamers!


Just because someone uses profanity to emphasize a point, it doesn’t make them toxic. Everyone swears. Get over it.


Blizzard needs to get over it…


No, there’s swearing to emphasize a point, and then there’s calling the playerbase moronic and the devs stupid. Swearing to make a point is fine. Insulting someone is not.

Either way, if the video maker hadn’t cussed and hadn’t insulted anyone, there would be nothing in the CoC that would have allowed the mods to take down the video