Overwatch Daily Quests

Ideas for quests which should be randomly given so not everyone is attempting the same quests in every game. Sure there will be some overlap but it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

  • Win X games as a role
  • Win X games
  • Do X healing as support
  • Do X damage as DPS
  • Block X damage as Tank
  • Get X kills/assists
  • Capture X amount of objectives
  • Get X amount of wins on X game mode (Control, Escort, Hybrid, Assault)

I suggested generic quests because if you give ones for specific heroes I know it will be trouble. In my opinion quests should only be available in quickplay. It would give incentive for people to play something other then DPS and actually try to win. As a reward for quests it should be credits. People don’t care enough about Xp and loot boxes are generally disappointing.

During the D.Va and Ana challenges it took a while to complete them thanks to the ‘everyone picking DPS’ problem in quickplay. I think for the Ana challenge I lost like 15 games because of it.

Personally I’d love a way to grind credits outside of getting them from loot boxes filled with sprays, voice lines, and player icons.