Overwatch Contenders / League 2023 Schedule - (Ended)

My count is the following:
5/19 - 4.75 hours (West), yielded 25 tokens with residual minutes from last week
5/20 - 12 hours (6.5 East, 5.5 West) yielded 55 tokens, probably minutes shy of another 5.
5/21 - 13.25 hours (7.75 East, 5.5 West) yielded 70 tokens, making up the 5 tokens from 5/20.

Total - 150 Tokens for 30 hours of viewership

I did not see anything regarding an encore presentation except for this tweet that explicitly noted that tokens were not earnable (not to mention it was just a replay video, not “LIVE”): https://twitter.com/overwatchleague/status/1660315311332118528

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Wow I did really well to only miss 15 tokens.

I didn’t write down a total, but each day I looked at my gains and I think I have all that could be earned over the weekend.

Uh… Why did this get pinned all of a sudden?


Not sure as to why now, but the top post in this thread has a lot of useful information regarding OWL/Contenders scheduling, viewership incentives, and troubleshooting.

Craig, who also gave the 2022 thread his blessing is the one who pinned this.

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Huh. Guess now I have to BRING IT.

Cause it should be honestly

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awesome, congratulations :slight_smile:

Do we know if the Challengers Series Recall Lives will give tokens or anything? :slight_smile:

Based on this, it seems that the streams will only be eligible for current Contenders drops on Twitch.

Does Encore streams give Tokens too?

I keep refreshing, still not seeing the ‘Diamond’ icon.

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I missed the Encore today, but they yeah they normally have tokens

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Soo yeah, the Calling All Heroes stream IS 100% GIVING owl tokens :open_mouth:

I ended the normal OWL stream with 605 tokens… then switched to the All Heroes one… aaaand BAM 5 tokens after almost 1 hour of watching.

As @PoppaBear96 mentioned earlier on OWL match days they seem to turn on the tokens for the East Matches on the channel in the morning and shut them off sometime after the west matches are done, you might get lucky if a non- OWL stream is playing on the same day there’s OWL matches.

There might have been an official announcement somewhere, but if so I missed it. also kinda double dipping, as Calling All Heroes currently counts towards Contenders rewards when watched on Twitch. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do you guys recieve tokens from owl?

I watched time to time owl from april till late may and got 0 tokens. Tried all stuff to turn on|off connection on YT profile changing different browser and still 0 tokens.

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Yes, I received tokens from the weekend games.

Are you sure that your YouTube account is the basic one? If your account is a channel, it doesn’t count. You must change the user to the basic one so that the diamond appears and you receive the drops.

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Double-check all of the troubleshooting steps in top post (just under the YouTube link). The big points are ensuring you see “Connected” on the diamond icon, and that your non-branded YouTube account is linked to the right Battle.net account (i.e. not linked to an alt account).

These tweets went out, but they only link to the Twitch channel:

The OWL YouTube channel mirrored the broadcasts which showed “Connected” status, as they started at 5:30pm PT, 30-60 mins before the OWL streams ended. I was an hour late to the Saturday broadcast and got 10 tokens, then caught all of the Sunday broadcast and got 15 tokens.

Yes it’s confusing why OWL rewards are on YouTube while contenders are on Twitch. I learned it some months ago when I was lucky and saw this thread because the only place you learn this information from is by subscribing to Overwatch Path to Pro
on twitter. I now only use Twitter because to get news lol.

I don’t find it confusing at all - even if everyone sat and watched every single match as they happened, it would be annoying to have to claim the 5 tokens every hour on Twitch since that’s the system they have.