Overwatch Contenders / League 2022 Schedule - Earn Skins

I got off the phone with Tech support and they basically stated that they cannot look into it due to it being tied to their server and if they had a button to grant it, they would. But then stated that they can’t just do that due to a ‘licensing’ issue where they cannot just grant it, which is also funny since YouTube support stated to contact Blizzard support about this issue. They basically stated that since it seems to run fine for most users, then they will not look into it (unless if it impacts a majority of users) since they deem the drops to be working. They stated to post here to get it tracked by QA, even though I told him that GM or dev. responses have been close to nil on the forums about this, so it is pretty slim to see Blizzard/YouTube fix the issue.

Even with this though, still a licensing issue even though it is their own league and the only licensing issue I would see is with YouTube… The cosmetic itself is a free cosmetic and the only way that Blizzard typically addresses this is if a majority of users are facing the issue, and then Support actually looks into it and can manually start adding these to user’s accounts.