Overwatch competitive matchmaker patent

That patent has NOTHING to do with OW.
The point of that patent is to push people into buying items to help them in the matches. But because OW has NO match impacting items that makes no sense.

What should be the point of rigging ow matchmaking? p-issing people off for no benefit?


I remember when this went around before.

The most important part to remember is that no where does it specify Overwatch. That is pure speculation. It’s a general patent held by Blizzard, but more specifically, Activistion Blizzard, the same people who have been shoving CoD down our throats in the BattleNet launcher for the past few years, another series that’s often known for its PvP. I’m also pretty sure Destiny 2 was part of the launcher at the time this became a big deal too.

I’ve only skimmed it, but another telling sign is that they have an entire article on how “NPC’s can be placed in games to take player spots”. We don’t have bots in actual matchmade games in Overwatch, period. Only time we actually have NPC’s is in custom games or vs AI, which is still a full team of normal players going against them. Why would the patent include something that isn’t even part of the game? Again, because it isn’t necessarily strictly for this game. Certain elements could technically be used, but mostly it’s likely just them getting their bases covered for different games that were in development at the time.

Yea I forgot this was another talking point when it first came out.

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Yeah Is/was used to forced player to buy better guns for real money in cod.


What’s wrong with bad players being matched with good players?! That’s literally how it is in every game?! Not just Overwatch.


A bad player could be bad but still be not as bad as his enemy and you’ll win… Or he could be brand new to the game (so he’s new not bad) and doesn’t understand the complexities of Overwatch.

Overwatch is significantly more complex than simply click heads. Even with a smurf widow on the enemy team. Teamwork trumps shining stars!! Has for years in this game!! Otherwise Carpes team would never lose…

No… it’s absolutely upbringing, bad parenting, and a number of other issues. People watch Carpe, Agilities, Jjonak, Moth, Super and all the other pros and think you themselves…

I can do that. I’m special too!! Mommy daddy gimmie Overwatch so I can be a pro gamer.

The reality is… NOT EVERYONE IS MEANT TO BE T500-OWL!! Not everyone is meant to be Diamond, not everyone is meant to be platinum.

The game is hard. To win the game you have to outperform your peers. EVEN THD THROWERS and SMURFS… LITERALLY EVERYONE on this forum has dealt with them!! I was hard stuck platinum for 5 seasons. I get it… Better than anyone who’s above Diamond and has been for some time.

If you want out of your rank you’ve got to dig deep.

We’re on fundamental ends of the spectrum here and I’m both a DPS and tank player… :woman_shrugging:t2:

If I didn’t play Overwatch I would spend my time doing much more interesting things. Here, I agree and obviously everyone else does as well or there wouldn’t be such overarching frustration/toxicity when it comes to the game and climbing rank.

Without actual research you’re literally just on a which hunt bro and the overwhelming consensus is that the game isn’t rigged and the burden of proof is on you to “save everyone.”

Where on Reddit do people post that daddy Jeff and the other devs sometimes respond, if really like to try and create a compelling post to try and make them definitively say one thing or another when it comes to these types of conversations.

They’ll never admit technical details of their IP (and they shouldn’t) nor will they simply say (git good lul) bit certainly some communication would be very easy to get out of them.



Activision has owned blizzard for a very long time. Technically twelve years.v

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Indeed. LIke how can you tell that the matchmaking is doing this? Does the matchmaking know that they will put you with this Plat Hanzo who is never on VC and is just doing his own thing?

If you tell your team in VC and in chat “let’s go right” and for some reason everyone decides to go left the matchmaking is punishing you for your previous win? They do that because they are low elo, that is why they are in that elo in the first place.

Like I had a Zarya game the other day (and let me tell you , I am by no means a Tank player, let alone a Zarya one, i have less than 5 hours on Zarya) where I completely dominated in Silver, had like 80 kills, had Grav on cooldown
got reports for smurfing, and I simply just pressed W like an idiot, having no regards for my life or the life of my teammates. We have won, I have gotten POTG. If you would ask me to replicate that same match again, I would never be able to do so, I still do not know what I did and how I did anything that I did. If any high ranked Zarya would have watched that match they would be banging their heads against the wall of how bad my decision making was, but that particular match it worked, only God knows how.

That was not the matchmaking giving me a free pass. I have less than 5 hours on Zarya. The only thing I did that could be called thinking was just waiting for their cooldowns to be used, that is all, nothing more, nothing less. I was not given a free pass, I was not favored by any means, that is just Silver, people being bad in SIlver. I am bad in Silver, so is everyone else in Silver. That is why you are in Silver. You are bad. Period. There is no ulterior motive. You are inconsistent. You pop off one match, and the next one you cannot stay alive, let alone get a single kill or any kind of value. You are bad. The end.


Nobody wants to believe they are being psychologically manipulated. The game is more enjoyable while in denial.


What do you mean?

20 chars

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He is enjoying game more in denial.


I mean this:

A good example of burying head in sand.

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Read the rest of my post. I climbed many times on different accounts. Nothing is holding you back, only you.


So you’re implying that Shadow has his head buried? Because he thinks fundamentally different from you?

Alternatively I see this as, players who are hard stuck, unwilling to make changes, practice aim, understand hero interactions, etc would rather blame each other than try to learn the game correctly.

Please elaborate rather than being vague.


It means some people aren’t happy playing so no one is allowed to be happy playing. Even though no one is stopping said unhappy players from leaving and playing something they may actually be happy playing.


Of course they want player to keep playing lol. That’s why it takes time to reach the next level.


Damn… My reading comprehension must be trash. Or I’m not reading between the lines correctly.

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This is the patent.

I agree with you. That doesn’t mean Activision doesn’t psychologically manipulate players to keep them playing.


How are they manipulating us LMAO?

I play the game because I like the game.


The closest thing to manipulation in the game right now that I may agree with you is that there is way too much positive reinforcement in the game. Making is way too easy to think that they’re better than they are just because they got some flashy feedback or god forbid a gold medal. The game just generally needs to tell players where they need to improve more actively.


I like the game too. Doesn’t mean I can’t tell when I’m the weak link, or expected to carry. If I weren’t being manipulated, I’d be playing players closer ro my skill every match, but that is not the case. Not by a long shot.