It can tend to bring a similar result for a short amount of time, but smurfing involves maintaining a lower rank by throwing games etc.
the automated system for leveling in quickplay is whats getting you banned
you guys are quite literally arguing 2 separate points
all the accs that were banned (that ik of) were accs with 70+ winrate where the player was actively trying their hardest to get up to GM where the person wasn’t cheating.
can vouch, I know a few people like that
I don’t believe that’s true. I’m explaining the difference between alts and smurfs.
I wasn’t disputing whether or not the people who got banned in the wave were banned fairly.
I don’t believe that’s true. I’m explaining the difference between alts and smurfs.
Yeah but the issue is that you two are using the same word without agreeing on a definition of the word (smurf) and therefore are arguing 2 separate things
That’s literally why I was clarifying the difference.
Buying a new account for the sole purpose or gaining an unfair advantage by manipulating the matchmaker is the part that’s cheating. You (royal you, not you in particular) took an action to gain an advantage over others that you wouldn’t have by just playing your account normally.
That is cheating. Those accounts are cheaters.
oop my fault (20 char)
They said ‘ratio’ and it worked
Before being deleted
Did any Linux users also get hit in this wave? My account got hit.
Why was one of my accounts false banned? never cheated on it and it’s banned for cheating
We’re definitely looking to combat what I will refer to as “abusive” alt accounts, ie players who repeatedly create new accounts just so they can play against lesser skilled opponents. Part of this is improving the matchmaker’s ability to determine your skill even faster, detecting those that repeatedly abuse alt accounts and taking action against them, and looking at ways to limit access to additional accounts.
And to all the abusive smurfs that complain, just realize that more is to come to combat this malicious behavior, per the AMA.
“Play nice play fair”
Alt Accounts/Smurfs: am I a joke to you?
Did any Linux users also get hit in this wave? My account got hit.
Yes… I’m very stressed about it right now. Hoping for the best.
EDIT: Un-hit
It kind of scares me a bit. The more automated a system is, the more likely a mistake might happen and you’re getting perma-banned. And the support tend to be pretty unresponsive.
Valorant anti-cheat was detected by Blizzard not that long ago.
Overwatch Highest Level Player was also permabanned for a while. He made multiple tickets to the support and had to get big content creators to talk about it.
I’d be better if there were some manual reviews, even by a selected number of high-ranked players or something like cod’s overwatch.
Today, we’ve rolled out a banwave that affected more than 10,000 accounts.
oh my GOD lets f***ing GOOOOOO
I have been playing with a bot 5 stack for quite a while now.
I logged in today and was happily greeted with the message that my recent reports have led to action on these accounts!
Let me hit you with a schmack of reality. It doesn’t matter if people smurf or not. A great majority of people who are playing now have hit their peak rank already and most probably are never going to get to the rank they really desire to be at, whether there are smurfs or not. Smurfs can be on your team, the enemy team, or both. Law of averages would suggest you have an equal chance of having a smurf on your team as vsing one. It’s not a valid excuse for not being able to rank up. I know you are referring to the actions of the individual, but at the end of the day, we all know you are just salty because you have vs’d better players and had your ego hurt, which is why you have this extreme view of categorizing smurfs with people who use 3rd party software to artificially increase their skill. It’s fine, we’ve all been there. My suggestion to you is to use vsing smurfs as a chance to improve, rather than having this mindset. After all, if you can’t beat 1 higher rank player, how do you expect to beat 6 in the future?