Overwatch Bans: Long-term Mentality and Recent Action

he wasnt complaining about being banned and hes not a cheater lmao


Nevertheless, that is what the appeal process is for.


Mostly smurfs demolishing Bronze players so badly that a computer can’t even tell the difference between them and a hacker.

They are also cheaters and deserve their bans.

Anyone who takes any action to gain an unfair advantage over others deserves it. They are cheating. They deserve their cheaters ban.


winning a game in bronze just isnt an unfair advantage.

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Intentionally making a new account to derank to Bronze when you’re a Masters player is an unfair advantage. It’s unfair to the Bronze players.


its also not “hacks” or 3rd party programs. If blizz wants to ban smurfing they should say that and make the ban reason “smurfing” and not “hacks”.

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The description for “cheating” says ANY action taken to gain an unfair advantage. So it don’t gotta be hacks.

They can cry me a river over being sent the wrong form letter for the correct punishment.


in the emails for banned accounts it literally says “hacks”

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You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.


yes, because the appeal system is so notoriously reliable


it also says “If you feel that you are in a game with someone using malicious software” in this post. In addition, If someone is say playing on a 30fps laptop, isnt that also an unfair advantage if someone is on a 240hz gaming pc?


and who says smurfing is cheating? OWL players have smurfs why aren’t they suspended

I don’t care what it also says. It very explicitly says ANY action to gain an unfair advantage is cheating. That’s all it needs to say.

Apples or oranges doesn’t mean “only apples.”

Blizzard is explicit in the TOS that third party software is NOT the only thing considered cheating.

Those were people cheating. They got banned for cheating. Lemme play all the smurfs that got banned the world’s smallest violin they got sent the wrong form letter. :violin:


Manipulating your SR to gain an unfair advantage over lower-ranked players is quite literally cheating no matter how you look at it, sorry.


u didnt respond to the part where owl players literally have smurfs. Thoughts on that?

Ban their smurfs too. But meanwhile, Timmy cheated too is not a defense of the people who got caught’s cheating.


being better on a smurf account is not an unfair advantage. If you are just better thats not an advantage if you have equal resources.

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if albert einstein took a 5th grade math test im sure he would ace it. Is he cheating too?

Smurf accounts and alt accounts are not the same thing fyi.

The very definition of smurfing involves giving yourself an unfair advantage.


for an acc to be an alt acc, they would have to play IN LOW ELO to get up to their real rank. Therefore, they would have to smurf at some point no?