Overwatch anti-cheat system is useless

the walls are full of holes in the Paladins, in any case I met a cheater who, having seen my skill, thought that I was a cheater))). shot the whole game through the whole map

Just find paladins much more decent than ow these days.

It would be nice to have something like a peer review system where players in good standing were incentivized to review footage that was flagged as cheating by other players because thereā€™s no way Blizzard has the manpower to respond quickly to every allegation. Itā€™s been used in other games in the past. Someone else posted an interesting YouTube video outlining an idea for a system for us in another post. Itā€™s not perfect but Iā€™m sure the devs could work out something like this.

I recently tried to return to the game - their anti-cheat complained about the driver of my video card (fresh nvidia 2060). fixed only after a couple of days. But there are still crooked textures and hitbox, and the average level of the players is far from ideal

No chanse for paladins)

I wouldnā€™t speak about crooked hitboxes, ow isnā€™t better (just by a bit though). The game being more complicated to play than ow makes their average skill players not that great, plus the matchmaking is ridiculous (gold with masters level of ridiculous). I donā€™t mind the crooked textures.

You have your own opinions and I respect them.

No, Ow hitboxes are MUCH better. There itā€™s just 2 huge squares, getting there is very, very simple. In Overwatch, I canā€™t get more than half into the body for the tracer, and there I am using a similar weapon and Iā€™ll give the entire clip to the head without any problems

With regards to textures - I am not against ugliness either, but there must be a choice. For some reason, for me, they are still displayed very, very crookedly, perhaps due to the settings of Nvidia, who knows ā€¦

The difference of 1000 sr is a very rare occurrence, a forced measure so that people do not wait too long

Of the advantages, one can note only casualness (someone dislike, of course, but I have nothing against this) and the ability to play damage on a treatment character (grabbing reports, but still, a pretty cool thing - customization of abilities

And remember the endless stunning mal damba ?? A bouncing lightning ghrok ?? There were times.

Well paladins is still alive because of how much you can customize the characters.

You should really try to go on practice range to see how some of the ow hitboxes are just busted.

I checked the hitbox in ow and even watched the picture. yes, not without sin (hanzo came out of the chat), but compared to just the huge layers in the paladins ā€¦ heaven and earth

What surprises me the most is how hard the trash they release and are not even shy. Take the same PUBG analog that first appeared in Paladins. Well, at least it was fun)

The trash they release is much better than ow could actually release. Oh wait they released nothing other than skins in the span of 3 years. Anyways you find it trash, I donā€™t.

Well, when I was playing - they were releasing something at the arcade level in overwatch, only much worse. Then they hid it away from sin - and rightly so. There was a mode with sky and fog there - so my fog was not displayed there, and the mode itself was kind of too complicated and strange)

Are we talking about paladins, the last even they released was the atlas event a year ago and it was an objective that moved through the map. I already said it: paladins is held with spit and tape (huge amount of bugs).

Like I said ā€¦ you guys keep criticizing but donā€™t actually offer any suggestion or show any fundamental understanding of the issue at hand. Try to come up with some realistic idea and you might have a discussion worth participating.

So far itā€™s just all useless bickering flavored with some good old conspiracy theory.

I honestly donā€™t care if Blizzard fixes this problem or not. Itā€™s one of those kinds of problems that they will never fix, therefore you guys can figure it out for yourselves. But as I said, Blizzard only makes bank from patching scripts; this doesnā€™t really get rid of cheaters. Blizzard just forces them into paying more so the cheaters can do what they want. Make no mistake, these people will pay more to constantly use cheats, thatā€™s one of the ways people boost other accounts which means money to Venezuelans and Chinaā€™s boosting service.